my new 55 gallon tank


Active Member
Here are some pictures of my new 55 gallon tank. I KNOW THAT THE NASO WILL GET LARGE...we are looking into a larger tank for the future. This is our first endeavor into saltwater and are continuing to research and add cured live rock.



Active Member
The mandarin eats copepods from the live rock and live sand. He also eats frozen brine shrimp (which I was told wouldn't happen...I got lucky!!!)


Active Member
i don't know if that is ich or if its bubbles on the side of the tank. but i am leaning towards ich


New Member
Looks like Ich to me...Browniebuck didnt you QT your fish before
you put them in your Display tank?
This is the second thread ive typed this
Before you put your new fish in your Display tank. You should always
give them a freshwater dip and then put them in a QT/hospital tank
for atleast 2 weeks before letting them enter your display tank. It may
sound like a pain. But believe me...watching all your fish die and then
having to rip your whole tank down and scrub it out and clean it. Is a
bigger and very painful hassle over taking a little time to make sure
your fish are healthy.
For a freshwater dip you get a brand new bucket. Fill it with Freshwater
and I also recomend Methylene Blue. It will turn the freshwater royal blue
and helps greatly in ridding Ich on your fish before they even enter
the QT tank. Make sure your Ph and water temp are correct in the dipping
bucket. Dip them from 30 seconds to 3 mins. They may appear to be
stressed. You are not hurting them. The dip is a very good thing for them.
Then once in QT your fish have time to adjust. You should also blacken the
back and sides of the QT tank, either with paint or a backdrop. Also put a
piece of fake coral in the QT tank too..Your fish need structure. Why?? Your
fish travel a great distance to reach you and they are stressed once they
finally get to you. They need time to adjust and if they have Ich or Flukes.
You can rid of it before your fish reach your display tank. Leave them in the
QT for atleast 2 weeks and if everything looks good..then they are ready for
the main tank. Also good thing to do is use water right out of your display
tank for your QT tank. What better, then water right from the source.
Browniebuck I see this is your first saltwater tank. I would strongly
recomend getting a book by Robert Fenner called the The Conscientious
Marine Aquarist. This is the book of all books on how to properly go
about having a successful saltwater tank.


Active Member
I should have mentioned on the first posting, that there was a calcium smudge on the glass when that picture was taken. He is very healthy and active with no spots, other than when he gets startled, which will disappear within seconds. He also goes to the cleaners every day, at least twice...I think that he likes the tickly feeling! Thanks for the concern, though.


New Member
Oh thats cool... The pic makes it look just like ich. Good thing
you got the cleaners too!! Like I said the QT is very important
for future tankmates.
Post more pics...when you get a chance.


New Member
ya I can see the smudge on the that
you pointed that
very cool....ich is no fun!!


For Browniebuck....
What is in your tank?
How much live rock?
What's your lighting?


Active Member
Needs lot more rock and I would get rid of the air bubbler as they are horrible for salt fish. Good luck with the fish. Mandarin eating pods is great, eating brine is bad.


Active Member

Originally Posted by crt81
For Browniebuck....

What is in your tank?
How much live rock?
What's your lighting?
Right now I have the Naso tang, two maroon clowns, an Eibli angel, and a green mandarin dragonet as far as fish goes.
We have two skunk cleaner shrimp, a queen conch, three large turbo snails, 6 smaller turbos, three porcelain/anemone crabs, 5 blue leg hermits, and 2 red leg hermits.
Currently, we don't have any coral in the tank, as I have no idea what our lighting is (I am pretty sure that it is low quality and am looking to upgrade in the future to allow us to add coral and anemones for the clowns and crabs).
Currently, we have between 30 and 40 pounds of live rock. I know that everyone says that you need 1 to 2 pounds per gallon (not really sure why), but I don't really like the look of tanks with a whole stack of rock. We plan on adding more in the future, but probably would max out at about 55 to 60 pounds.