Originally Posted by fighting0
it's been 24 hrs since i've put my sand in. i'm just starting to be able to see through the tank, but i'm VERY worried that the sand that is just hanging in the water won't settle out. and if it does and any small small disturbance might cause a dust cloud again (I.E. putting in LR or worse yet, when fish are swimming close to the bottom. the only way i could describe the size of the sand that doesn't seem to want to settle is "finer than grains of table salt or sugar." what should i do?
I had the same thing. It will be fine. Mine took around 3 days to clear out. Once it does, placing LR will stir the sand up some, but not to the point where you can't see anything. You'll find that as your tank ages, after stirring up sand, the dust cloud is less, and lasts for a shorter amount of time.