My new 55


Here is a pic of my new 55 gal. Still waiting on some of the sand to settle, as the water is a little cloudy. Some LR should arrive tomorrow!


nice start. i can see in the future you will want to upgrade the lights. those standard lights work ok for fresh but salt water needs a little more power.but good start. enjoy and good luck


I have that exact same tank/stand/hood but my new lighting/hood is on its way now. Good start.


As far as his lights are concerned it depends on what kind of setup he wants to have. The regular 15 watt lights will be fine for a fish only. Now reef will be a different story.


I am only gonna have a FOWLR tank. I'm gonna leave the regular bulbs in it right now, but soon i'm gonna put in a 48" Corallife 10K bulb, just for better viewing and maybe to help out the LR a little. The standard hood I have should be fine for this setup though, right?


please dont think i was telling you , you need a new light setup. but this hobby is never ending. after awhile you will want better lights then the one you have. most everyone gets the bug. thats all. i know i have it. im always looking for more stuff.


If it's only a FOWLR tank, I'd just keep the lights - but DEFINITELY switch the bulbs. On my non-show/QT tank I have the coralife 50/50 flourescent bulbs and they made a HUGE aesthetic difference compared to the standard daylight bulbs. They're only about $15-22, depending on length.


I to had the same setup, but I got a Jebo 48 inch light that has 4 55 watt compact flourescent bulbs in it. Yes the blue bulbs are not true actinics. This set up I have is not close to being reef lighting, but it really brought out the color in my fish and rock. I got it for under a $100 shipped on that auction site you cannot mention here. Just something to think about for the future. By the way you look off to good start!!


Here we are ready for fish. 70-75 lbs rock, and prizm setup on tank. this picture is with the moonlights on tonight (i altered it a little to show better.)