My New 75G


i got about 60 lbs lr mostly figi.
2 emporer 400's
3 maxijet 1200's
coralifre ss 125g
please don't mind the background need to fix it.
feel free to tell me what you think.



Active Member
nice start you might want to try to creat some caves that allow water to pass through the structure so your fish /inverte have a passage and with good circulation less deterious will get into uncleanable areas and get into your filters instead (you may have some caves but i couldnt see any in the pictures) and always make sure your structure is is stable and let the tank cycle and test it as it cycles and once it is done keep a regular testing schedule


there are caves and holes, can't tell in the pictures. the wholes aren't huge but big enough for shrimp and some small fish to hide. should i put the powerhead in the back behind the lr to get more flow through there or is it ok the way it is?


the stucture is pretty stable. a fish is going to have to bump into pretty hard for it to collapse lol. my tanks been cycling for 3 weeks now.


Active Member
if it going to be a reef you will want to be able to keep the tank as clean as possible so then you will want to be able to vaccumm behind the rocks or at least direct a powerhead to get some flow to help keep anything from accumulating. turbo snails have a way of wedging themselves into places and moving rocks so stability is important


Active Member
keep testing depending if your rock was cured already a fish or two may be possible in a week or 2 and if the rock was precured at your lfs and your test results are good a small hardy fish on your list could be added now the least aggressive too


it's a coralife 2x65w pc, i plan on switching to a reef in a year's time and i will upgrade to a better lighting system. i only plan on doing zoas, mushrooms, and an anenome

sign guy

Active Member
three things that will make a huge diff and dont get me rong your tank looks great just trying to give a little hand. First get a aump and get rid of the emps. second get 2 250w MH's 14000k and thrid more LR