My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!


Here is the 90 Gallon tank I just setup. It is only 2 or 3 days old with the live rock.
What do you guys think?


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Active Member
Well usually it takes a couple hours but it depends on what there doing. Just host it with an image hoster and post the link.


you see the 3rd picture with that live rock? it looks kinda dark brown. It wasn't like that when I first got it. Its like an algae that is growing. Is this diatom?


Okay, I have got a temperature problem. Whenever I turn on my MH lights, it makes my water about 78.8 degrees. Whenever I turn off my lights, the tank can go back to 76 degrees with my heater.
Is this okay?? Can I trust my digital thermometer?


Active Member
Def looks like brown diatoms. Could try some heaters on your lights to help keep them cool so it wont heat the tank up so mutch.


My tank is about the same age 2-3 days. I havent been running the lights almost at all.. in the evening i put them on for about 2-3 hrs then no lights and havent got any stuff like that. Or should i be using my lights as if there were corals fish etc,... in there with the LR and LS?


Def looks like brown diatoms.
I have read that they will just go away by them selfs and this is normal correct? Interestingly, why does it only form on the figi rocks and not my tonga ones?
Could try some heaters on your lights to help keep them cool so it wont heat the tank up so mutch.

You lost me here. You mean fans?? The light setup already came with a fan, is that not enough?
Is 2 degree temperature difference between day and night okay?
I havent been running the lights almost at all..
I heard you should run your lights as if you had all tank setuped.


Active Member
some people choose to not run their lights at all during the cycle to help cut down, if not stop all algae blooms. but you can also keep the lights on

who dey

Active Member
brush the diatoms off the rocks, they will be gone in a week, its normal activity in cyling a new tank:D


Active Member
Dont brush them. That will just cause them to spread. And yes I ment fans you have metal halides with 1 fan my PC's "along way from Metal Halide" came with 2. I would just let the diatoms go away on there own dont bother them. Just brush them off the glass as you need to. They will go away but if your using water that has all the extra nutrients and such in it then they will just get worse. Im sure your using RO water so that shouldnt be a problem.


with 1 fan, it keeps my temperature at 79 degrees. Is that okay?
If I get a fan, what kind of fan do I need? Would the LFS sell them made especially for my lights?
Yup I am using RO water, so I hope to see them go away soon. hehe


Well update:
The brown Diatom has gotten worse, it is partially spreading on to the sand bed! hehe. I hope it will go away soon.
Tested for amonia and others today. and amonia is still at around 0.1. Its been probably 3-4 days now since I put in the live rock. Is that normal?
There are still some debris floating around in the tank that my filter has not picked up yet. and the water looks little cloudy. How do I improve the water quality?