My new addition


Active Member
I've been searching for an Orange Shoulder Tang (one of my fav. fish) for quite a long time and have never been able to find out, except for online.
I stopped into one of the crappy, local fish stores today and what do I find?...a little 3" juvie Orange Shoulder...for $21!!! He had a few spots of ick, on his pectoral fins and I talked them down to $18. LOL
I used egg crate and partitioned off 1/3 of the 90gal for him...I think he's still too small to be with the Morays.
30 seconds out of the bag (1 hour acclimation time) and he was already eating and picking off the rocks. I've had a hair algea outbreak, recently, so I put the hair algea rocks on his side of the tank. He looked like a little Pit Bull, grabbing big mouth fulls of hair algea and shaking his head, pulling off big chunks of it.
Sorry for the really bad/dirty tank pics...I've been busy, with work, lately. lol

This is what he'll look like, as an adult:


Active Member
Awesome fish!!! I love their colors. Do you know how it would be in a reef tank w/ 3 yellow tangs?? I've been wanting to get one, but have just been concentrating on corals. Beautiful fish!!


wow thanks for sharing he so nice and the adults wow those are awesome


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
Awesome fish!!! I love their colors. Do you know how it would be in a reef tank w/ 3 yellow tangs?? I've been wanting to get one, but have just been concentrating on corals. Beautiful fish!!

I've never owned one before, but I've read that they'll do fine with other Tangs, as long as the Orange Shoulder is added last..just depends on the size of the tank, I guess. I also dont know how they'll do with corals. Mine is the 90gal. with a Hawaiian Dragon Moray and a Whitemouth Moray, for now. They'll all go back into the 200gal, that's sitting in my garage, once it's set back up. Eventually, everyone will move into a minimum 360gal. tank.
All research I've done says that it grows to it's max of 14" very quickly, so I wouldnt personally put an adult into anything less than a 240gal. tank.
Here are some better pics of him...he certainly doesnt shy away from the camera flash.
I put my arm in the tank, to scrape off the algea (to get better pics) and he started trying to maul my arm. LOL Now, he swims around and tries to bite the little snorkels off of the Nassarius Snails. I think he's gonna be a trouble maker.



Active Member
Good to know, haven't seen anyone post anything about them and i was curious b/c they have caught my eye!! No plans as of yet to get a bigger tank, we're lucky enough to have the 125!!


nice pick up at $18. he will be a good looking fish some day.


Cool fish, that'll look even better later.
Hey I have a question about octopus proofing a tank. I saw another post of yours and you seem to know alot about octo's. On the post you had posted some pictures of how you did it. However, the pictures no longer appear there (they were hosted by PhotoBucket). If you don't mind, could you please email me the pictures of the octo-proof tank if you still have them. It'd really help me out alot. My email is If you are too busy, don't worry about it. Thanks