My new additions!

nm reef

Active Member
Congrads on the new additions. Both look healthy and well adjusted.
I once had a 6-line in my fish only...he was constantly searching for pods to munch and had all my bristle worms in fear for their lives! Great fish...always active...but sadly mine went carpet surfin'.

Home of
New Mexico Reef


Active Member
he just sits around so far, i cant see him right now. Hes a shrimp goby, so i hope he bonds with my pistol soon. Hes not too active, much like the yellow watchman. but i like the colors better.


Active Member
Did your 6 line take to frozen food easily? You said he eats pods, but i was wondering if thats all that they eat. I have alot, but probably not enough to sustain him for along time. Havent fed yet, but around 1 oclock i will.


Active Member
ok i just named these guys.
what do you think...
For the goby,
Scooby because it always looks scared.
and for the 6 line
Herbert. My girlfriend said it means bright in german, but im not sure about that one. oh well. I like the name anyways.


Nice additions. The 6 line is just awesome to watch. They dive in and out of your rock formations