My new arch eye!


I got a new arch eye hawkfish about a week ago and i got some great pics but i cant figure out how to upload them. I know you go to manage attachments but what do u do if your pics are too big. I cant figure out how to resize them. If someone could help that would be great. Thanks!!


Active Member
Google "resize photo program" and you will be able to get a program to do it for you.
If you can't find one, just use paint on your computer and use the stretch/skew feature.
Nonetheless, arc eye hawks are very cool little fish. I hope you do not have anything really docile though. Arc eye's can have attitude problems.


I have my pictures shrunk down now to less than 500x500 but it says the file is too large. AHHHHHH!!!! This is so frustrating. Thanks for the help!!!


Arc eye's can have attitude problems.
That's the best part about them :joy: I hope you are able to get the pics resized. I can't wait to see him!


I think i finally go it to work. I love this little guy. I don't think i have anything he will pick on. I have two maroon clowns, a cleaner goby (i think he was on the list of fish not to keep but i didnt know that when i bought him) and a manderon goby. I also have an anemony and some zoas. But here are some pics of the arc eye. Hope you enjoy!!



Active Member
Nice hawk, I used to have one for about two months, till he found a tiny little hole in my hood and committed suicide. I'll have to get another someday, he always had this really mean look and was funny to watch chase after food. Best personality of any fish I've had.

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by newsalt16
I think i finally go it to work. I love this little guy. I don't think i have anything he will pick on. I have two maroon clowns, a cleaner goby (i think he was on the list of fish not to keep but i didnt know that when i bought him) and a manderon goby. I also have an anemony and some zoas. But here are some pics of the arc eye. Hope you enjoy!!
might wunna watch the maderin, but nice arc eye, odd that s/he's pink though.. the ones my lfs get are always orange.. and i hope you don't plan to add other fish after him though..


Thanks for the replies. He has great personality and he will be my last fish. I waited to add him till i was done adding fish. I might add a sand sifter still. Do u think i could do that?


Active Member
Back when I had an arc eye, he was very aggressive to my gobies. This was eventually why I got rid of him. He did not like the gobies, whatsoever. He would chase them around until they did not want to come out anymore. I have heard this about other arc eye's as well. I would probably not chance the sand-sifter.