My new Australian Tusk


New Member
You gotta love the tusk! I have had one in my tank for about a year now. This guy is always moving! If you wanna feed him well, they LOVE krill!! Mine will take a big chunk and go to the coner and pig out on it. This fish is very peaceful, and I have had no problems with it at all!!! Enjoy!


Active Member
I had 2, one would not eat, and he died, and the last one I had, he was a great eater, ate anything, but he jumped out and died.


Don't they get pretty big? Need a big tank? I like the looks of them also, maybe I will consider one of those in my 150g. :notsure:


I have one for about a month now and he's awesome . He's from autralia, not the philipines and the colors looks great and he eat everything. he also doesnt harras any of the smaller fish such as the clowns. Only my Queen angel (6 inches) is bigger than him. I feed him multiple frozen foods, pellets, freeze dry and he eat whatever flake i give the others