I love it also, I have one, it's almost a foot now, and is the culprit of eating all my shrimp, a mandarin, firefish, diamond goby, yellow watchman, and Scooter blenny. Most fish don't know enough to stay away and will sooner or later bump up against it....it only takes once and the fish is dinner. I have a 180 and it's at the base of the rockwork and aside of dismantling the rock, I have tried everything to get it out, including hanging on it for 10 minutes trying to get it to let go. Tangs, clowns, damsels, chromis, dottybacks, and the like I have and do fine, but some fish are too slow and deliberate, than find out the hard way. If I had to do it again, I would never have gotten it. I live in Northeast, Pa. and if anyone locally has a method of removal that won't kill it, nor disrupt my rock, you can have it. Good luck.