My new cleanup crew, enough?


Ok i never thought crabs could be so exciting! I have a 46 gallon aquarium and 40 lbs of fiji live rock. Anyway, i have been having some algae problems, so i took my water in to get tested. Not only was this exciting because i found out my water is fine, but i found a store that i like!! finally!! Good reef stores are hard to find in NM,, but anyway. I picked up some crabs to help take care of the algae,, 10 to be exact. They are all about the size of my thumbnail. So,, they are working hard, but i wonder if i could/ should get more,, theres plenty of algae for all!! Also i am getting fish in a week or two,, ( A fish anyway,,,)
46gallon bowfront
40 lbs fiji live rock
3 blue leg crabs
3 red leg crabs
4 crabs with black/white striped legs (??)


Huzzah!! I got a snail!! he's about the size of a nickle, 1/2 inch to an inch tall. His name is Hubert (don't ask..) anyway. What do I feed the crabs after the algae be gone??