My new clown woke up sick, please help

i love fish

I purchased a pair of percs yesterday which looked healthy & active at the LFS, I drip acclimitized them for 1hr+, put them into already cycled QT with lights off, and left them 4 about 4 hrs then tried feeding, the larger 1 ate but the smaller 1 didn't even try.
In the morning I noticed that they have both got about 5 spots on them, the smaller clown also has a brownish-redish mark below its bottom lip, and the larger clown also has a large white outline of a mis shaped circle about the size of the tip of a pinky finger (I've seen this kind of thing b4 where it ends up peeling away & the fish dies).

I gave them breakfast and the larger 1 is still the only 1 eating.
Also there's a white stringy stool floating around in the water.
They were fine yesterday, what happened? I was so careful in picking them and acclimitizing, etc.
I forgot 2 mention that the clowns were not captive bred, and apart from these spots and markings and the smaller 1 not eating, they r acting fine.
What am I dealing with? Ich or Brookynella?
Should I start Hypo?
Which meds should I use?
Should I do a freshwater dip?
I have copper but am afraid of using it coz the 1st & only time I used it on a fish, on day 2 of treatment I woke up & found the fish dead and the copper hadn't even registered yet on the copper tests.
I have cuprazin which is a chelated copper and it contains formaldehyde, it says it treats ich, brookynella, and fungal infections.
I also have Reef Yellow (formalin) by Reef Formulas but the bottle doesn't say the concentration of formalin, it just says to use 1 drop per gal, and 2 airate the water.
I also have copper by SeaChem
And I also have methylene blue
Unfortunately I can't post pics coz my computer won't let me.
Please someone help quickly i don't want my new clown 2 die, i love them so.

Oh yeh the QT is 5gal
Trites 0
Trates 10
Ammonia 0
Ph 8.2
SG 0.023
temp 78
I am i love fish's daughter and the clownfish seem to be getting cured. We did hypo on them and started treating them with copper. The larger one is eating like a pig but the small one isnt eating at all. He tries to eat. He puts the food into his mouth but ends up spitting it out.


Originally Posted by Damsel Luver
I am i love fish's daughter and the clownfish seem to be getting cured. We did hypo on them and started treating them with copper. The larger one is eating like a pig but the small one isnt eating at all. He tries to eat. He puts the food into his mouth but ends up spitting it out.
You performed hypo first and then copper? What is the copper reading? What is the SG? Does the smaller ones mouth look red at all?

i love fish

I started using a medication called cuprazin, it contains both copper (chelated) and formalin and it says it treats ich, brook, oodinium, I started performing hypo, but then stopped and the SG is at 0.022, I tested for copper and it was at 0.010.
Anyway, the smaller fish seems alot better, but he hurt the reddened area on his chin and it started bleeding. I finally got them both to eat, but I am concerned that maybe the formalin may worsen the condition since it is now an open wound.
Shall I contiune treatment?


Originally Posted by i love fish
I started using a medication called cuprazin, it contains both copper (chelated) and formalin and it says it treats ich, brook, oodinium, I started performing hypo, but then stopped and the SG is at 0.022, I tested for copper and it was at 0.010.
Anyway, the smaller fish seems alot better, but he hurt the reddened area on his chin and it started bleeding. I finally got them both to eat, but I am concerned that maybe the formalin may worsen the condition since it is now an open wound.
Shall I contiune treatment?
I don't know this medication, but I will tell you that formaldehyde is only to be used in a dip. It is a carcinogen and fish cannot be exposed to it for long periods of time. This med must have tiny amounts of formaldehyde, and copper in it. It is junk, as many meds are. How did he get an open wound? Not by bumping his chin.

i love fish

I think he did bump his chin while i was cleaning out detrius from the tank. I started removing the med, did 25% change and gave him a formalin bath but i think he was getting stressed coz he kept trying 2 jump out of the bath water, so I took him out after 2 mins, should I give it another go in a day or so. After the bath, it looked alot reder, but the mucus surrounding it came off, and this morning when I checked on him, the reddness has spread but the swelling is down, the redness is more pink than red now and the mucus is just about completely gone.
He is still eating though and the other clown is fine.
PS- water quality in QT going down, i think coz of copper, have 0.5 ammonia, and 0.3 nitrites. will do another waterchange 30% when I go home.
How long will it take 4 the bacteria 2 be reactivated?

i love fish

Originally Posted by sepulatian
I don't know this medication, but I will tell you that formaldehyde is only to be used in a dip. It is a carcinogen and fish cannot be exposed to it for long periods of time. This med must have tiny amounts of formaldehyde, and copper in it. It is junk, as many meds are. How did he get an open wound? Not by bumping his chin.

Could it be vibrosis?

i love fish

Hey, here's an update on the whats happening:
- the clownfish's left gill is swollen and red
- also on the left gill, it looks like white worms or mucus is on it
- the redness on the chin is almost gone, it's become pink
- there is the same white worm/ mucus thing on it's chin
- it's left nostril is slightly red
- it isn't eating garlic anymore
- heavy brething
- dropping SG of QT not at 0.012
- i am still doing the formalin bath for 1 hour
- after each bath, the left gill, nostril and chin get very red but then completely heal up. the next day, back to square one
- also performing SW dip with methylene blue for 5 minutes and dabbing a bit of methylene or iodine on red areas
- using formalin in SG of 0.012 and will be dropping it to 0.009 too much QT SG. Is this safe or not?


Originally Posted by i love fish
Hey, here's an update on the whats happening:
- the clownfish's left gill is swollen and red
- also on the left gill, it looks like white worms or mucus is on it
- the redness on the chin is almost gone, it's become pink
- there is the same white worm/ mucus thing on it's chin
- it's left nostril is slightly red
- it isn't eating garlic anymore
- heavy brething
- dropping SG of QT not at 0.012
- i am still doing the formalin bath for 1 hour
- after each bath, the left gill, nostril and chin get very red but then completely heal up. the next day, back to square one
- also performing SW dip with methylene blue for 5 minutes and dabbing a bit of methylene or iodine on red areas
- using formalin in SG of 0.012 and will be dropping it to 0.009 too much QT SG. Is this safe or not?
If you mean continue the dips and bring the SG in the QT down to 1.009, then yes that is safe. Don't add the formalin to the QT. Being that it looks like he may have worms of some kind, it would be a good idea to thoroughly vacuum the bottom of the QT every other day. How many dips have you given him now? Is there any way to post a picture of him?

i love fish

Thnx Sepulation 4 ur help, I vacumed the QT& still continuing with treatment.
I'll try and get some pictures in a day or so if I can find a friend who can do it coz my wonderful computer doesn't recognize my camera.
Anyway something really bad happened to the poor little clown yesterday, I was doing a FW dip in methylene blue and dabbing abit of methylene on his bleeding gill then the clownfish jumped and the cotton bud got caught in one of those little worm like things coming out of his gill, the worst part is when this happened alot of scales came off his gill with this wormlike thing and u can c his flesh.
He's in the QT and the SG is now 0.009, still eating but the last 2 days he's not swimming around much, and breathing very fast. Do u think they hypo will help his condition or worsen it?
He's had 5 formalin baths, 1 every day.(initially 1 every 2nd day- but I noticed that on the days he wasn't having the baths he was getting worse, so I found the daily baths was getting him condition better)
Should i stop giving him formalin baths, especially since now his gill is injured? I've heard it will irritate open wounds.
Should i continue the FW dips in methylene blue?
How many Formalin baths r u actually allowed 2 give a fish b4 it kills them?
What would a secondary bacterial infection look like? Here in ther UAE is very difficult to find antibiotics 4 fish/any other pet, so if I can't get my hands on maracyn II or any other antibiotic is there anything else that could help him?
I touched that wormy thing that came off his gill and it felt hard and fleshlike, kind of like those growths u get on ur cuticles from time to time. Any idea what it is?
One more thing it seems like he has fungus in his mouth too.
Chin and nostril is completely cured by the way.

i love fish

I haven't been using any kind of meds on the clown for 3 days now, he doesn't seem 2 b getting any better or any worse.
All signs of redness completely gone, just the white things coming out of his left gill and he is still breathing fast.
Do u think I should recommence formalin baths, or just let him b 4 the time being?


Originally Posted by i love fish
I haven't been using any kind of meds on the clown for 3 days now, he doesn't seem 2 b getting any better or any worse.
All signs of redness completely gone, just the white things coming out of his left gill and he is still breathing fast.
Do u think I should recommence formalin baths, or just let him b 4 the time being?
Is this Qt at normal salinity? If so then start copper treatment. It will kill any worms or parasites on the fish. Use Cupramine and a salifert copper testing kit. These worms have been around for far too long now. Read Beth's instructions for Cupramine.

i love fish

QUOTE=sepulatian;2607219]Is this Qt at normal salinity? If so then start copper treatment. It will kill any worms or parasites on the fish. Use Cupramine and a salifert copper testing kit. These worms have been around for far too long now. Read Beth's instructions for Cupramine.
No, the SG has been at 0.009 for 3 days now.
Should I bring the SG up over the next week then use Cupramine or should I just leave him in hypo? I was planning on using cupramine next when the 3 weeks in hypo was over, but if u think it's best to start ASAP, then i will do so.

Should I just ditch the formalin altogether?


Originally Posted by i love fish
QUOTE=sepulatian;2607219]Is this Qt at normal salinity? If so then start copper treatment. It will kill any worms or parasites on the fish. Use Cupramine and a salifert copper testing kit. These worms have been around for far too long now. Read Beth's instructions for Cupramine.
No, the SG has been at 0.009 for 3 days now.
Should I bring the SG up over the next week then use Cupramine or should I just leave him in hypo? I was planning on using cupramine next when the 3 weeks in hypo was over, but if u think it's best to start ASAP, then i will do so.

Should I just ditch the formalin altogether?
Bring the SG up and treat them with copper. Once the fish is in copper you will not need to do formalin baths. Just to be clear, the fish does not have what looks to be Brooklynella anymore right? Is it just the worms?
I came back from school and Cream, the clown, was flipping and doing summersalts. We thought he was dying but he's been doing it 4 3 days now. We came to the conclusion that he must have somthing wrong with his swim bladder. We think it was caused by either
1. constipation (his anus has turned bright orange/ red)
2. bruises ( Peaches, his partner, hiting him)
He has made some improvement. he isnt flipping anymore. he is just losing his balance while he is swimming. he keeps sitting on the floor and tipping to his left side (the side where his gill was getting red). What should i do?

i love fish

Originally Posted by sepulatian
No, the SG has been at 0.009 for 3 days now.
Should I bring the SG up over the next week then use Cupramine or should I just leave him in hypo? I was planning on using cupramine next when the 3 weeks in hypo was over, but if u think it's best to start ASAP, then i will do so.

Should I just ditch the formalin altogether?
Bring the SG up and treat them with copper. Once the fish is in copper you will not need to do formalin baths. Just to be clear, the fish does not have what looks to be Brooklynella anymore right? Is it just the worms?
yep, just the worms, but............ 3 days later he got popeye and more worms coming out of his eye, then 2 days later he got a white patchy area on his left side,after his gill area and more worms came out of there.(this happened after I started the copper treatment).
Now (1 week later all has cleared up) he's got what I believe a swim bladder problem as Damzel Luver (my daughter said). Also, he hasn't eaten since he can't swim properly and this happened about 4 days ago.

i love fish

I finally cured peaches, she's all well and fine thanks 2 copper it took a good 3 weeks to get rid of it but it's all gone.
I got her a new partner and they r very happy 2gether.
What's the maximum time I can use copper 4, and how long should I w8 after the symptoms r gone b4 I can put the 2 clowns into the DT?