My New Copperband Butterfly


He's a beaut! Already eating even though my PBT is driving him nuts right now. Slowly expanding his territory to the rest of the tank.



Thanks. The PBT has officially given up trying to kill him and he's swimming all over the tank now.

nm reef

Active Member
Outstanding photos!!!!!
I just added a small purple tang a few days ago. I'll try to get a pic of him soon.


Thanks. It's been eating since 5 minutes after I put him in the tank. He's amazing, even when the PBT was terrorizing him he'd just dart out of the way and continue picking at the rock. Hasn't been afraid of me at all. I fully expect him to be clearing out my aptasia infestation by tomorrow :)


Active Member
Mine never touched the aptasia but ate all the little feather duster up. It would come and eat mysis shrimp right from my hand. Stick its nose right thru my fingers to get it.


mystic, yours is very nice! Great shots too1 I can't get mine to hold still long enough to get good pics. Mine loves mysis as well and eats right out of my hand like dogstars did. Mine loves formula 1 cubes as well but prefers mysis. Here is a good shot of mine.
P.S. mine ate all my aptasia in 2 days. I only had like 3 or 4 of them though.


Originally Posted by Buzzword
mystic, yours is very nice! Great shots too1 I can't get mine to hold still long enough to get good pics. Mine loves mysis as well and eats right out of my hand like dogstars did. Mine loves formula 1 cubes as well but prefers mysis. Here is a good shot of mine.
P.S. mine ate all my aptasia in 2 days. I only had like 3 or 4 of them though.
Once he starts eating my aptasia I won't have to feed him for months ;)