My new fish and a full tank shot...


I've been watching for a couple of weeks at the pet store trying to convince myself not to buy him, but I gave in... I think he is way too cool and in perfect condition to pass on. I paid a bit too much for him, but oh well. ;-)
Here he is... kind of a crappy shot because he is currently in my quarantine tank that has very bad lighting. He is also a bit unhappy because the tank is WAY too small for him. haha. He is about 9-10" long.

And here is a quick full tank shot... I picked up a little more rock and finished the aquascaping to my liking. Now I just have to finish stocking it with fish and corals.

I need fewer expensive hobbies.


Active Member
Your profile says 55 gallon...That looks bigger to me?

I hope so for a 9 inch fish.
Nice tank though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hocky
It is wrong. 42gQT and 150gDT.
Nice...Excellent job on the aquascaping...Any other tangs planned?


I am probably going to do a blue hippo, but no others. I don't want to deal with battles to the death for territory. haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hocky
I am probably going to do a blue hippo, but no others. I don't want to deal with battles to the death for territory. haha
I would have had a very hard time passing up that fish too. The only thing that keeps me from getting a Naso Tang is my tank is too small, IMO. Even though it's 6' it's 125 gallons and I would want at least a 150 gallon for a Naso, so I'm jealous!!!
As far as tangs getting along I have a Blue Hippo, Sailfin, and I just added a Yellow Tang. They all get along great. I won't be adding anymore though as I've reached my limit.

Oh, and your tank aint bad either.