My new fish are not eating...please help


I just got a new Koran, Coral Beauty, and a yellow tang that will not eat.
Before anyone cries overload, I took out 4 damsels, 1 anthia & a foxface out to put those in. The new fish are all very small, th coral beauty being the largest at about 2 1/2". I brought them home on Saturday and tried to feed them brine (what my previous fish were eating) bump. Then I searched previous threads and read about mixing it up & garlic. So on Sunday I went to my lfs and got Angel formula, mysis, and reef formula. Today I mixed the angel formula and mysis w/ a little garlic and :notsure: :thinking: , nothing. However, my cleaning crew, arrow crab, cleaning and fire shrimps love the angel food.
What do I do % ? My water is great:
trites: 0
trates: 0
PH: 8.2
temp: 79
salt: 1.022
please :help:


Active Member
at my lfs they have a clip in the tank that they clip a piece of seaweed on and the yellow tang loves it.
if you got them today dont be alarmed some places say to not even feed them the 1st day cuz there still getting used to there new home and wont eat


I did try the sea weed but my snails ate all of it and my lfs guy told me to only feed them that from 2-3 x a week to not mess up my water.


I have a Coral Beauty that didn't eat for 6 or 7 days when I got him. I had called my lfs and my friend told me not to worry, that he would eat when he felt comfortable and more acclimated. Sure enough he started eating and hasn't stopped since. Meawhile I had gotten some Kent Garlic Extreme and used it. It is supposed to help enhance fishes appetites and also to help with their immune systems. You might want to try that. Good luck with the new fish


It sounds like a lot of good advice from everyone so far!
Most fish just need a little time to get comfortable in their new home and not eating right away is common. Just make sure you keep offering the food to them, they'll eat once they feel confident in their new surroundings.
Important thing is offer a variety of foods. Once they start eating something, they'll be more likely to try something different. :happyfish
Oh, and thanks Jelezoglo for the nice response on the other post.