my new fish ... what is it?

green m0ray

i think it's a yellow psuedochromis but never seen one b4 or dottyback? anyone have any ideas? lfs guy told me he would do fine on pellets. i spent a week and could not dig up any data on this guy.


looks like a dottyback..... very aggressive:yes: mine ate my spanish hog, but was then eaten by my scorpion


my dottyback was 4 maybe 5 inches... my spanish hog was about 4 inches


New Member
There are two possibilities you could research. I can't tell by looking at the tail if it is forked or square, that would help with the ID.
Look under Assessor flavissimus , common names Gold Assessor,Yellow Assessor, Yellow Devilfish
also look underPseudochromis aureus
, common names Yellow Pseudochromis, Yellow Dottyback, Golden Dottyback, Golden Basslet (which is interesting because it is not--would be more fitting for the Assessor)
I am not an expert, but just by looking at the depth of the body, my leaning is on the Assessor. I have a Neon Dottyback, and it is much more eel-like in its shape. On a personal note, I hope it is the Assessor as I think they less aggressive. I wouldn't get a Neon Dottyback again. It is one of the prettiest fish I've had but it will kill and eat shrimp, hermits, tries for the snails, and of course bristle worms, not to mention harrassing shy fish.
Good luck with your ID. BTW, what was the the fish labeled as at the LFS?


New Member
I found two other possabilities for you to do a search on check:
Pseudochromis fuscus , common name Brown Dottyback
Pseudoplesiops rosae
, common name Rose Island Basslet.



Originally posted by ETD5862
Pseudochromis fuscus
, common name Brown Dottyback
That'd be my guess...but another common name for it is "Yellow Dottyback"


It very much looks like a Dusky Dottyback, or Yellow Dottyback - my marine fish id book has a pic and it looks identical, body shape, eyes, color, tail & fins...says that they will eat ornamental shrimp...they tend to be territorial but disposition varies greatly between individuals...says it should not be kept with small or inoffensive fishes or with members of it's own kind unless a male-female pair can be acquired. It says it's maximum length is 3.9 inches....