my new fish


i got my fish this weekened, a blonde naso tang, diamond watchman goby, scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, tongan fighting conch.
heres a few picks the goby has made himself a home under a rock and he finally came out so i was able to get a pic of him, and the conch is fully submerged under the sand and shrimp wonders around non stop, and my naso is doing good roaming the tank :happyfish



she doing great i can't wait to watch it mature

look what my goby has been doing, it's tring to cover my rock in sand looks like hes making himself right at home
:happyfish looks like he has all the sand out from under the rock and hes bringing sand over and moving it up rock covering all the edges


i know i finaly got her, she's the reason i got this size of tank, i hope she likes her new home :happyfish


Active Member
Beautiful additions. Now before you add anything else get a qt started if you don't have one. Nothing more frustrating then finally getting what you want and then it all goes to waste with the next addition having an illness. Just my opinion


i do have a qt and these are my first fish in tank, tank was fishless for 4 weeks and 1 day until i got them. i thought i would put them in cause there was no other fish in my tank but for now on i will use my qt tank.
my naso is my pride and joy, i love it
its doing good :happyfish