my new frag grow out tank.


Active Member
wow again straight forward but it makes more sense that way. that helped me make my decision easier, thanx


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Here are the clowns that are going to go in the Grow out tank, untill they out grow it. they are going to be the only fish in this tank. I may add a cleaner shrimp later for picking necrotic tissue off newly cut frags to aid in recovery. but eventually its going to be fishless, once I convince the GF to get rid of the tomatoe clowns....
they are in my sump on my 75 untill the tank is ready, maybe the end of the week or so just to make sure the tank can handle the bio load. I'm moving forward fast enough for disaster.


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have LR and some frags in it. going just fast enough to be very borderline danggerous. (the sand is all established I switched it out from my 75g) the LR is all decent flat pieces for fragging, I'm going to add a couple of bigger pieces later. right now I want to see how it goes with the minimum to force the sand bed to establish its anaerobic zones. (I know it probably wont happen any faster) but here are some pictures.



Active Member
Looks sweet. I want a frag tank now. How is the marble working out for you? Is that a frag on a piece on the top shelf?


Active Member
the frag is just setting on it so it doesnt fall through the grate its on a tiny piece of rock. the marble for the other colonies is doing ok everything is recovered for the first couple colonies I put on it but nothing is spreading yet its too soon to tell if the growth rate is going to be faster (If it is it wont be by much) but peeling off the colonies for propagation is going to be way easier becausee the marble is so smooth. I have the ten inch disk in my sump with 5 or 6 colonies on it right now.


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OK so now I have snails in there, I'm not going to use any hermits in this tank. I dont want them knocking over small frags. The lighting is not good enough for anything but low light corals so this is going to be My low light grow out. all the corals appear to be doing fine so far. the parameters are all right where I want them. I have been ghost feeding since day one NO ammonia showed up at all. (sorry no new pictures) but I have added a bunch of LR, and some more frags. I may end up scrapping this as a grow out and just turn it into a Clown/mushroom tank. we shall see. If I am not getting a fast enough grow rate thats what I am going to do.
In there right now I have, a Hammer, 2 types of leather, a ricordea, 2 types of zoanthid, anthelia, and a purple plating montipora. The montipora is probably going to come out. but where as its at the top of the tank I'm going to give it a couple weeks and see how it does.
36 watts just isnt enough IMO for a 12g tank.


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some pictures from today added a few little neck clams that didnt make it into the fish food I was making this morning.



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well I tested the water again today everything is par for the course no amm no trites trates are at 10. sg temp and ph are nominal. so I added Frik and Frak to their new home. tommorrow I am going to get a bunch of cured LR to build them a love suite. but here is a pic of the black clowns in their new home. I think I am going to add a shrimp to the tank too. NO more fish. I didnt even want these guys in here but my GF insisted. you know how it goes.
