OK so now I have snails in there, I'm not going to use any hermits in this tank. I dont want them knocking over small frags. The lighting is not good enough for anything but low light corals so this is going to be My low light grow out. all the corals appear to be doing fine so far. the parameters are all right where I want them. I have been ghost feeding since day one NO ammonia showed up at all. (sorry no new pictures) but I have added a bunch of LR, and some more frags. I may end up scrapping this as a grow out and just turn it into a Clown/mushroom tank. we shall see. If I am not getting a fast enough grow rate thats what I am going to do.
In there right now I have, a Hammer, 2 types of leather, a ricordea, 2 types of zoanthid, anthelia, and a purple plating montipora. The montipora is probably going to come out. but where as its at the top of the tank I'm going to give it a couple weeks and see how it does.
36 watts just isnt enough IMO for a 12g tank.