My new frags



went to the LFS today and picked up 4 new frags... got one for free :D
having trouble ID'n one of them
i know the sun coral, hammer(not out yet) and the zoo... but i dont know the other that looks like a hard.... i thought the LFS guy said it was a green tree leather .. but it doesn't look like it
:help: ID that bad boy


Active Member
Very nice!!

Are you familiar with the sun corals needs?? Hammers are one of my favorites :yes:
Not sure what the last one is... is it soft?? If so it could be a tree leather. Can you get a clearer pic??

big boy69

The 3rd pic you have posted is called a Frog spawn branch.
I have one myself that has 5 heads on 5 seperate brances and a 6th one starting below all the others.
Don't put it a high current place in your tank and you'll see it really come out.


Active Member
My LFS lets me dig through the tanks and buy any frag I find for 2 bucks each. :happy:
they have rubble tanks packed with stuff
I find zoos, gsp,leathers,seamat,and tons of shrooms of all kinds, even rics from time to time. I find lots fo sps pieces but cant keep them nor do i know anything about them so i leave those for another guy that does the same thing as me
good finds I love digging for frags!!.


Active Member
The 3rd pic you have posted is called a Frog spawn branch.

i guess i could be wrong but due to the hammer shaped head on the tenticals that is a branch hammer not a frogspawn



Originally posted by ReefNut
Very nice!!

Are you familiar with the sun corals needs?? Hammers are one of my favorites :yes:
Not sure what the last one is... is it soft?? If so it could be a tree leather. Can you get a clearer pic??

sun coral - little or no light ... spot feed .. phyto, or meaty ... did i get it all ? ?? :D
i'll try and get a better pic tonight ... just looks like there is little polyps coming off of it ..but i'll try and get more pics



Originally posted by big Boy69
The 3rd pic you have posted is called a Frog spawn branch.
I have one myself that has 5 heads on 5 seperate brances and a 6th one starting below all the others.
Don't put it a high current place in your tank and you'll see it really come out.

you had me crackin up at this.... it is a hammer .. just hasn't came out yet... still getting used to my tank .. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by tuningvis
sun coral - little or no light ... spot feed .. phyto, or meaty ... did i get it all ? ?? :D

Light doesn't bother it... it just doesn't require light. Most people try to put them under overhangs or in caves... which makes it a lot harder to feed. It will be fine under direct lighting.


New Member
My LFS lets me dig through the tanks and buy any frag I find for 2 bucks each.
Man, I wish my LFS had that kind of deal. I get charged $20 - $30 per frag at my LFS.


this was my first time buying frags from a LFS
got all 4 of these for 50


Active Member
sounds liek a good deal considering the size of the pieces
the frags i find are normaly very small which is why they are two bucks. four or 5 polyps. a single shroom not attached to anything. stuff like that most is never attached to anything.
but thats ok with me. our tank is not filled with stuff that is growing like crazy and all of it started the same way.
i will have GSP,shrooms and leathers coming out of my butt here soon lol
i also think its much easy to cut up a 2 dollar leather to try and frag it then it is a full size coral you just paid 50 bucks for. i come home and slice and dice with no worries