my new frogspawn and toadstool!!


here are my new corals!

first is full tank shot
second is frogspawn w/ purple tips
third is toadstool with a little one growing off
any suggestions on how to remove the smaller toadstool? i was just going to use a razor and cut it off at its base then attach it to a small rock with some string. will this be okay? thanks, and enjoy



thanks, i got the toadstool for $35 and thought it was a steal b/c eventually ill have 2 nice size ones growing. and the frogspawn was just to pretty to pass on....


Yeah that is a good price for the toadstool,and i am with you about the frogspawn,i love the color of it myself!
So when do i get a frag of it?J/K It looks nice though.


haha, hit me up in a few months when it has had time to attach to a rock and grow a little bit! i havent decided what my nexy addition(other than zoos or shrooms) will be but i think im gonna go with a short tentacle plate coral? any other suggestions?


I love the plates,but i haven't had great luck with them.I am a big fan of the bubble corals also,but i love shrooms and zoos,there is such a big selection of colors and very hardy corals.


puffer - love the orange plate! my lfs has an orange one now for $40, very tempting
salty - how exactly does the frogspawn grow? does it grow new branches? is it fast?


Active Member
wow...... those are 3 of my 6 fav corals pictured above!!!! my other favs are blastos, hammers, and RICS!!! I have everything but a plate and a toadstool. one day though.


hey fishiness - can you post a pic of your blasto? my lfs is getting one or two in this week, and im considering getting one. so can i see yours? what are their lighting requirements? thanks!


Active Member
i dont have a pic at the moment actualy. i jstu got it this weekend, maybe tomorrow ill post one though!!! I went to my LFS just to get an emerald crab, but they had these, and they are my fav corals. They were selling them for like 120 bucks though!!! i only expected as much.... i asked the guy if he could frab one and id jsut buy like 1 or two polyps. He said no, but he did show me one that was damaged. It have 2 or 3 perfectly healthy polyps, and about 3 or 4 not so good ones. and the rest was skeleton. he sold it to me for 40 bucks, which is still pretty expensive, but i paid because i love blastos so much, there were still SOME healthy polyps that i knwo will grow out, their retail was so goddamn high, and i dont think ill ever see a blasto for that price again.

they like medium lighting and medium flow. I have 192 watts of PC over a 40 breeder tank that they seem to like. I am probably getting a metal halide system for my birthday on the 24th however, in which case, there is only one metal halide on my 36 inch tank, so they will be fine on the side.


thats cool, thanks....i figured they will be pretty high, i might be coming home with a hammer or zoos instead. but definitely in the future i will have one!