my new frogspawn and toadstool!!


Originally Posted by ithorian_r
puffer - love the orange plate! my lfs has an orange one now for $40, very tempting
salty - how exactly does the frogspawn grow? does it grow new branches? is it fast?

They branch. Small stalks grow along the existing branches. Much like suckers on a tomato plant. I've fragged mine a few times for credit at my lfs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ithorian_r
hey fishiness - can you post a pic of your blasto? my lfs is getting one or two in this week, and im considering getting one. so can i see yours? what are their lighting requirements? thanks!
ok!! here you go! alo attached is a pic of my frogspawn. the dark polyp in the blasto is not dieing, it is just more shaded. These three are the ones that are in good condition, and the others seem to be doing better and hopefully will recover.
PS: sorry about the quality of my digital camera.... it is not a camera at all actualy. It is a video camera that my friend gave me because he spilled gatorade on it when we went mountain biking. It doesnt record videos, but it does take pics.



Active Member
Originally Posted by ithorian_r
so just keep the calcium levels 400+? im betting it grows kinda slow then....

Yes. Ca should be between 400-450. If you have them under enough lighting and with good water conditions they acutaly grow pretty quickly. The heads obviously dont grow as fast as a polyp of a zoa or anything, but not too bad. Keep in mind too, that the growth rate will speed up as your gain heads.


sweet, thanks for the advice. love the pics, even tho they arent arent a digi camera! good job getting a clear pic!
oh love the blastos by the way!
what other LPS do you have?


i was thinking of adding a flame or rusty to my tank. think they will bother my LPS or zoos? i know that its touch and go for dwarf angels....


Active Member
to tell you the truth i have never had either of those. There is a flame in the display at my LFS as well as a coral beuty that i have seen pick at some corals, not realy a lot or violently though. Just kinda a pinch. but im not realy the one who would be able to give advice on that. If you want you could try it and then if trouble brews you can take him/her back.
as far as my LPS's, i have the blasto, a hammer, a frogspawn, and a candy cane. I love LPS, but i dont have too many at the moment. I got the candy cane when it was pretty expensive, it was 10 bucks a head! so i got a little one with three heads, they werent that nice looking either. The LFS that i got it from has 2 250 watt halid pendants in a big, square, shallow tank, but nothing in there realy looks good. I got it home and now it is a realy nice teal.