My new live rock!

I recently just bought 50 pounds of live rock for $50 from a guy's tank. He just doesn't have time for it anymore and really wanted to get rid of it. It came from a very established reef tank and has variuos polyps and mushrooms on it. I'm afraid I may have introduced some stuff I may not want however. So hopefully someone can take some time and answer my questions to see just what I have.
1. There's these round balls that look like grapes over some of the rock. What are these and are they o.k. to leave in.
2. I got 3-4 frags of "acro's" (I think that's what he said) that were attached to the rock. The guy said they should do ok in my 55 gallon under 440 watts of vho. They're a type of coral that is branching. Two are brown and two are purple. Are there specific things I need to do for the care of these corals?
3. As I was placing a piece of live rock into the tank all these "creatures" started bailing out and taking off into the rock in my tank. There were 4-5 of them and after looking around on the web today I've determined they're probably cowries. What benefits/detriments do these guys have in a reef tank?
4. There's a couple of pink sponges on the rocks. I've heard that if these die they really screw up the tank. Should I get them out of there?
5. Attached to a piece of rock was a clam. The guy called it a bearded clam. Any special requirements.
6. I couldn't find it when I got home but when loading the rock into the cooler the guy said 'oh look, a gorgonia'. What exactly is that? Probably doesn't matter because I didn't see it when I was placing the rock in the tank so I'm afraid I crushed it, or it's on one of the piece I put in the refugium.
That's it for now. Hopefully someone's able to help out!


Active Member
1. What color are these round balls. If they are green then its bubble algea. Get some emerald crabs to eat them.
2. Acros need a lot of light and calcium. Place them near the top.
3. try to get a pic of these "coweries"
4. Leave the sponges they will not die and cause problems.
5. none
6. its a filter feeder. Some sp kind of look like small trees.
You know.....when the guy told me that was the name of the clam I looked at him and was about to chuckle but he seemed pretty serious. His wife was standing right there so I let it go.
So here's a new question. Is there such a thing as a 'bearded clam'? I'm talking about something that lives in the sea.


I was rollin' when I read "bearded" clam... but being the reef-rookie that I am.... whats the scientific name for that eh??


Active Member
How can you not laugh....Hell I still laugh when me and my buddies talk about regualr clams.
GrumpyOldMan : "So do you think that will be enough lighting for keeping clams"
Me: "uhuhuhuh you said clams"
GrumpOldMans Wife:"whats so funny about Clams"
GrumpyOldMan: "uhuhhehehe She said Clams"


there is a fish called a slipery ---- wrass... ugly fish... I would try to search for a pic, but I'm afraid of what will pop up...


Active Member
Somebody posted a pic of that on this board a couple of months ago, and whoever named that fish Is laughing there butt off.


there is a fish called a slipery ---- wrass... ugly fish... I would try to search for a pic, but I'm afraid of what will pop up...
Pop up? Was that pun intended? :D


Active Member
Hey, No one has mentioned how he can take care of his round ball problem. So what color are they??
The guy called it a bearded clam. Any special Requirements? OH YES!!! Too numerous to mention.
:D :D :D
my girlfriends bro had that stuff i think it looks cool i would keep it if it was in my tank..... but he didnt like it so he got a crab and it is slowly disapearing..... I dunno if it bad or not let me know if it is bad>?????:rolleyes:

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
bubble algae can be a nuisance algae if it starts to take over. I dont think leavign a few would hurt but watch it so it doenst get outta control. If you do try to remove it make sure you dont burst it or you'll end up w/ lots of it.