My New Nano 12g Looking for opinions...


New Member
Yea I just got this Nano as a present Only spent $150 for all the live rocks and coral... Just wanted to get some opinion and see what else should I get... I want to get situated with this first because im about to get my uncle's old 150 gallon tank...


Active Member
are those star polyps in the left front? If their not, star polyps are nice. They are easy and spread pretty good. Then you could move them to your big tank, if your setting that up with saltwater too. Some zoos would add some color. They are pretty easy too. Looks good!


Active Member
oh yea, I have the 12 gal. too and I did get a protien skimmer for mine, just cause every body said they were good. So I did. It was only 25$ and fits in the back chamber.


I'm going to try a ploy filter in one of the chambers first. I'm not going to do but 2 fish and was told reef tanks don't produce as much protien as fish. This could be wrong, I'll give it a try. Your tank looks great by the way.


New Member
That sounds pretty cool but wat is a ploy filter? yea and those are star polyps, daisy polyps and some zoos up on top of the tank. i also have kenya tree too.


bsp, someone would prob help you a little better with this.. but from what I know/experienve.. protein skimmers become even more important with liverock and coral.. I believe the LR resirate and you deff. need a protein skimmer


A poly filter is a cotton type pad that you can put in your filter chambers. It removes harmful organics,ammonia,metals, phosphates & meds. after treatment. It turns colors when it needs to be changed. I was told this at the LFS I always go to, but they may not be right about the protien. They make more money when things die,but I'd hope I could trust their knowledge.


New Member
Naw i didnt change my lighting on my nano... its still the same lighting its the deluxe with the combo lighting...


Do you have an annoying crack between the light hood and the tank in which the light shines though when looking at the tank at eye level or below? If so have you tried anything to cover it. It just bugs me.


No, I don't have a camera. The crack is where the hood rests on the tank itself. Both my origanal and my replacement tank have this. It's not really a crack but a space where they don't meet.

lisa g

Originally Posted by bsp
No, I don't have a camera. The crack is where the hood rests on the tank itself. Both my origanal and my replacement tank have this. It's not really a crack but a space where they don't meet.
I had a crack in the hood like what you are describing. I found recently when I removed my pump for cleaning that the rubber thingies in the back of the hood that the cords fit in were protruding a little and making the hood slightly higher on one side. Once I fixed it it sat even.

lisa g

Nice tank. I like your rock set up. One thing I found and it is all a matter of personal preference, but I moved my rocks off the glass so I could get at least a small cleaner in there to clean off the glass.