My new nano pics


Active Member
Here is the nano I got for Chirstmas!
So far we have:
JBJ 12 Deluxe
48W 50/50 Light-Soon to be upgraded
Eheim 600 Powerhead
Ebo 50W Heater
Rainbow Digital Thermometer
Black Tahitian Sand
Live Rock
Live Rock Bits For The Filter
Oceanic Salt
Here is the rock a few days ago:


Active Member
Here is a better shot of the rock. Lots of coralline! I hope it stays. There is some pretty blue and green. I found a couple of hitch hikers they probally wont make it but I can always hope!
I will add more pics as things start to change!

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice...every time I see a developing lil nano it makes me want to take the plunge myself. Keep us posted on its progress...


Active Member
Thanks! I wish my camera showed the great colors of the rocks.
I really like the contrast of the black sand. I was so happy with the setup that I forgot to add the shrimp until today!


Active Member
black sand? thats different. let me know how you like it. where did you get it from? i think its really cool


Active Member
Thanks Conch.
The sand is Caribsea Black Tahitian Moon. My LFS carries it. It is sugar sized and very nice.
I will let you know how it goes.......


Active Member
Here is my ghetto homemade moonlight. I had some left from when I made it for my 75. 2 lights should be more than plenty. If it looks to be too much then Ill add the potentiometer.


Active Member
Well it was pretty easy. This is what you need:
4000mcd LEDS ---- I have 6 on my 75.
56 OHM 1/4 resistors--- Rat Shack
A 5VDC power supply or one of those adjustable ones that you can set to 5v
Some small gauge wire
Solder and an Iron
Shrink tube
If you want you can email me and I will send you the plans that I used to make mine.