My new nano pics


Active Member
Very nice! Your tank looks great. Hopefully I'll be setting mine up soon...darn online stores are all "out to lunch" until January 3rd.
I really like your black sand. It's definitely not something you see everyday. :)


Active Member
That is what I thought. Plus I noticed that after I had everything in the tank that the black sand blends in with the back wall of the tank and looks very fluid. I think if the sand was white it would make the back wall stand out and the tank would look smaller overall.:thinking:
I felt pretty smart for a moment. :)


Active Member
It definitely does seem to add some depth. I would feel pretty clever too. :D
Where in Washington are you?


Active Member

Originally posted by ClarkiiClo

I'm not too far away. I'm in Wenatchee. :D


Active Member
We've been getting a bit of snowfall the past few days. Right now we've got a couple inches. The roads are pretty dangerous right now--just this morning I was driving and some guy coming at me in the other lane was swerving all over the place. I think snow's pretty and all, but I'd rather not be driving in it. :)


Active Member
Thanks Discus! You have good taste too.
As for the snow it beats what we had last year. On new years day it snowed over a foot!
People down here didnt know how to act. It had been a really long time since we had that much snow.


Active Member
I remember back in I think '94 when we got over three feet of snow. That was definitely a shock, hehe.