My new nano pics


Active Member
Here is my new Yashia Goby! These are pretty hard to get at my LFS. He is very fast! What a pain getting a picture that looks half decent.


is that one of those aip anemones in the back ground of the first picture of your goby? Aren't they the pest anemones?


Active Member
It is:nope:
I just havent had a chance to kill that one. I juiced a couple on another rock and I didnt want to do too many at once.
He wont be there that long


Personally i don't mind them. Awhile back, i was sold a rock just covered top to bottom with them. Was sold from a LFS as rock with anemone, and he even charged extra for them! Anyways, they are every where in my tank. but i plan to either get a longnose or copperbanded soon and maybe he will cut them down a little. But other than that i think they look cool, and for being a weed i have gotten compliments on them.
If ya think about it, its like somone giving your compliments on your dandilion filled lawn.


Well thanks a lot people. I am having enough 'issues' with my 55 gallon tank, and now you have me extremely interested in this 'nano tank' thing!!! lol. I am a sucker for beautiful and interesting stuff! Actually I saw a tank like that on sale about a month ago......hmmm, just may have to make a trip and see if they still have them. Oh....I'm broke from the 55 tank problems..........
My day will come!!!! I am fascinated!!!!! Hmmm. betta go take a peak into my hubby's wallet!!!:thinking:


Hey Clarkii, that yashia goby is way cool. Is there any special needs they must have? are they known for any problems? are they a very costly fish? do they fit in well w/fish that have already established in your tank? thank you for any info you can give me. i would love to have one.


Active Member
They prefer to be fed twice a day.
I dont know about any problems. I hope he doesnt have any.
He was 40.00 local
They like to be the first goby/bottom dweller in the tank.
He is a bit shy still. He did venture out almost to the front of the tank this morning for some food.
He will be running all over the tank by next week I hope.


Active Member
Great start on this tank........<stupid question> is the total volume of the tank 12g, or is the display portion 12g? :notsure:


I have heard that its about 9 1/2 to 10 gallons display and around 2 gallons for sump/fuge.
you tank is looking great!! I am on the verge of buying a JBJ myself. I am having problems pulling myself away from learing on web sites like this though. The knowledge you need for this hobby is endless!


Got this directly off their website.
"The new nano cube deluxe offers double the light output of the original model, giving your corals and invertebrates 48 total watts of intence jbj compact flourescent illumination."
The regular model comes with only 24 watts. If you thinking about getting the jbj nano cube make sure you get the 2005 model (as apposed to the 2004 model). The 2005 model just came out and has a better hood design so you get increased cooling of the lamps. also better possabilities of lighting the sump/fuge.
hope this helps,


Active Member
Ok we got some new friends!
A nice little firefish and I moved my little clown from my big tank.
The Clarkii was picking on him.