My new octopus


Part of my Christmas was a new octopus tank. The octo arrived yesterday, but was happy to come out when I got home from work for some pictures. :jumping:
Any suggestions for a name?



Active Member
That has GOT to be the COOLEST thing I have ever seen. How big of a tank? LOOKING INCREDIBLE! I hate naming fish...I am bad at it. Ha!


Originally Posted by Space_Geek
That has GOT to be the COOLEST thing I have ever seen. How big of a tank? LOOKING INCREDIBLE! I hate naming fish...I am bad at it. Ha!
Thank you! The tank is a 33 gallon cube with about 35 pounds of live rock. Here is a full tank shot.


Originally Posted by Jon321
VERY nice! just wait till its begging at the top for food whenever you walk near the tank!



Originally Posted by puffer24/7
incredible, name him sneaky
I guess I should have mentioned this from the beginning, but all our other pets have regular people names. Our dogs are Jake & Chase. Our cats are Pete, Steve, Madeline. And so on.
I'm leaning toward Otto right now. Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated!


Active Member
hey, what size tank do you have and did you get him from online? If you got him from online please email me at Could i keep one in a 15-20gal tank? I'm think about getting a dragon moray eel or a octo for my birthday present. What type of filtration do i need? Could i put some macro algae in the tank with the octo? What filtration do you have on it? Thanks


Originally Posted by Cartman101
Could i keep one in a 15-20gal tank?
From my research, the smallest recommended size is a 20 gallon. I went bigger to be safe.
Originally Posted by Cartman101
What type of filtration do i need?
Octos are very messy eaters. I'm running a Fluval 304 (rated for tanks up to 70 gallons. Ideally you'd want to also run a protein skimmer. I couldn't figure out a way to do that and keep the tank perfectly sealed, so I'm opting to do very frequent water changes instead.
Originally Posted by Cartman101

Could i put some macro algae in the tank with the octo?
I don't see why not. Everything I read indicated that octos are reef safe, but they will eat almost any invert or fish that you house with them.

37g joe

octavious or doc oct. how bout uncle sam he has plenty of ways to get into your pockets and take what you got

37g joe

is the damsel in thir the only fish you have in thier. Arnt yoyu worried the oct well eat it they are pretty voracious