My New ORA Red Planet!!!!!!! SICK!!!!!


Active Member
Sweet! I kept looking at it and couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. Then I got it... you mean it's sick as in super nice


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
You're not a fan of tabling acros?

Its not that, its just that my 24 gallon is a bit small to let a tabling acro really go all out and look great. If it were a staghorn, I could put it in and not worry about it too much


Active Member
Very nice!! that is such a sweet coral. I love tabling acros, milles, etc.
I have some open space now in my tank, Im thinking of buying 1 or 2 ORAs. Maybe that will be one...


Active Member
Wow, that's an incredible coral! Very nice!!
ORA has some very nice stuff, and I have been very impressed with their coral selection lately.


Oh that is so awsome! I thought the GBL Acro from ORA was sweet, but this one is a must have also. BTW Nice Pic :)


crazy beautiful frag!!! i love the color, is it under halides or t5's? the LFS around here has a 400W halide on a tank, and the colors of some of the acros are awesome!