My new pair of CBS


Here is a pic of my new mated pair of coral banded shrimp from the LFS yeserday. They are hidding out in the back of my tank. Do CBS like to hid or will they eventually come out?


We have had one in the tank for 3 years, he's HUGE, he's nasty, and yet, he's a chicken, we rarely ever see him.
He never comes out from behind the rock when the lights are on, and forget it if you come near the tank, he runs like a startled pigeon.
One day he'll figure out he's bigger than the biggest fish in the tank, and its okay to come out and say hello. He must be 5" from front to back, but he's very shy!


Active Member
I actually ended up getting rid of my CBS because he was such a butthead. He was actually hiding a lot of the time but if I put my hand in the tank he would attack it every time. He caught me good one day and pinched my wrist.........didn't hurt but, I jumped through the stinkin roof taking one of his arms with me. It was either his arm or mine and my arms don't grow back.


my shrimp:
CBS- hides all the time - out when feeding only
Peppermint - hide most of the time -out when feeding only
Blood - always out front
Skunk - always out front - most active and seen the most. best bet.:)


Active Member
yeah cbs and pepermint and even the blood or fire shrimp all lead very cryptic lifestyles at least ime, however i find that if you have a truely mated pair, then you have a better chance of the shrimp showing themselves more often. just my experience though. the skunk cleaners do seem to be out all of the time, i still like my peps though!
good luck


Active Member
It is often hit and miss with these guys too. I've got peppermints in my 30 gallon that I never see. I just put a pair in my new 20 gallon and I see them all the time, even when I'm not feeding.