My new passer angel


I just picked him up today for 50 bucks from someone local who was changing around there stock list. He is already eating almost anything that floats by and making my 180 gallon look small.

180 gallon fowlr
porcupine puffer
passer angel
niger trigger
sailfin tang
tomato clown
lunar wrasse
zebra eel
undulated trigger(not a tad bit aggresive but im still trying to get him out without catching any of my other fish)
I was also wondering if i could add one or two more fish to my stock list, if i could what would you guys suggest. i know the passer should be added last but i thought this deal was to good to pass up.
here are some pics (im having a little problem with hair algea right now so try not to look at it)


crypt keeper

Active Member
id say your stocked and that angel is not even an adult yet. They turn just about jet black and start getting some crazy gorgeous orange and other colors on them. That guy a has a little more to go. I wouldnt add anything else. Yours I believe is male. I think the males have white caudal fins and females have yellow. It could be the other way around but im pretty sure Im right.


thanks crypt and noah, even when i take out the undulated will i still be fully stocked? If i cant add anymore its not really that big of a deal but i just wanted to get some yellow in there but then again it dosent really matter.
thanks again

crypt keeper

Active Member
throw in a lemon peel angel and it call it a tank. Get the undy out the sooner the better,. Meanest damn fish we try to keep IMO.


ok thanks if i can find a lemonpeel near here i will pick it up
also do you know based on the stage he is at now how long it will take him to fully change over to adult colors?

crypt keeper

Active Member
he is getting there. do you know if he was bought as full blown juvi colors or this stage? this was on my list when I had my 150 up and running but broke it down adn went smaller with dwarf angels.


I guessing he bought him as a juvi because he said he had him for 2 years. But he his real fun to watch and comes swimming up the second he sees me.


Active Member
Congrats, great fish, as you can see I like mine.
I think you could squeeze one more fish in there for sure. You have some real bruisers in there, so they will need to be able to hold their own. Something not too huge, but plenty tough.....hmmmmm.
How about a Huma Huma Trigger to replace the Undy?


thanks I have 40 dollars credit here on swf so once I get the trigger out I will decide what to get but I will consider all suggestions
I have no idea how I'm going to get the undulated trigger out because he never swims out in the open and he is scared of everything.


Active Member
why take him out then? If you are lucky enough to have a mild mannered Undy, I would leave him be, they are easily one of the most beautiful fish in the hobby. Outside of the Clown (a big Maroon or Tomato Clown is no match for an angry Wrasse or Trigger, trust me, I found that out the hard way), all your fish can take care of themselves.


i would much rather keep him then have to tear my whole tank up to catch him. But i have been reading all these horror stories where there undy all of a sudden snapped and killed there fish. But like you said my fish could hold there own if anything were to happen. i will keep a close eye on him though.
also i have noticed that the passer has seemed to become the boss of my tank already, even pushing around my niger trigger who used to let no one mess with him.


Very Bold angel. My dad had one jeeze that thing was super mean! Any fish my dad added he would chase and bully constantly. Had to part ways with him. I hope yours works out for you.


Active Member
All Angels are bold and bossy, but Passer do seem to have the rep for being a step above the rest. There was a store in Charleston SC that had a display tank that had about an 8 inch Passer and a slightly larger Clown Trigger (9 inchish), the Passer bullied the CT, you don't see that often.
My Emperor is still the "top-angel" in my tank, but he was in first and is an inch longer, my Passer does like to "wrestle" with my Niger Trigger though, he tried to bully my big Lime Green Wrasse one day, that didn't go so well for him.