my new purple monster frag


Cool Frag, I can never win it on the auction sites. People pay over two hundred dollars for a small frag.

kicked off

i found alot of people who have it, but not alot are willing to cut it up. i found a local who took down his system and traded/sold everthing. broke up colonys from hard to get acro's and multi colored monti's.

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice....I'd love to acquire one for myself someday...and I have had a couple of hobbyists offer me frags ... but patience.
I am curious though....."kicked-off"....I wonder who that is.....


It would be kind of fun to have a rare frag thread. I'd post a picture of my rainbow monti but my macro won't go that small!


Active Member
Its a great looking frag but it doesn't look like the true Steve Tyree Purple Monster. There are lots of people who have given their corals the PM name for obvious reasons.
IMO, your coral is better looking then the true PM.