My new Queen Trigger


I got one too a long time ago. he was about 2inches long. I had to get rid of him becuase he was way to aggressive. He also grew very fast.

tony detroit

Active Member
Your next purchase should be 40'' aquatongs by coralife.
Sweet purchase, a store up here had one they couldn't sell because it got too big, it was about the size of a nerf football, but not quite as wide. They're pretty cool looking the few I've seen around up here.


Very agressive,big and nasty make for dangerous aquascaping. Yes thats probably why it was on sale. Even in your 180 its gonna go on a search and destroy mission taking no prisoners. Absolutely breathtaking trigger but better left in the ocean. Good Luck with him !


Theres a LFS here that has a Titan that must be about 14 or so inches long. When he turns to the front it looks like yourre looking at a bulldog with his teeth hanging out of his mouth. Im not sure it will get that extreme but it will be something to look for .


I have it in the tank with three other triggers, a S&T Puffer, and a SoldierFish. I once saw a huge Queen in a store that would attack the glass if you put your fingers up to it. I knew they got really big, but I have no idea how fast or exactly how mean they are. It has not bothered any of the other fish yet. The other Triggers are less than half it's size. I bet that is why it was on sale. The LFS wanted it outta there before it took on the community.
Oh, I have a Fimbriated Moray in there, too.


One more thing without sounding like a preacher which I dont want to come across as, 4 triggers in a tank is an accident waiting to happen. If we had Trigger Police on this board they would be taking you away in handcuffs !