My new Queen Trigger



Originally posted by bona42na
One more thing without sounding like a preacher which I dont want to come across as, 4 triggers in a tank is an accident waiting to happen. If we had Trigger Police on this board they would be taking you away in handcuffs !

Not to sound like an A-hole, but I put in my tank what I want. If I noticed a problem, i'd move to my other tank. I have backups in place, if disaster surfaces. I've been in this long enough to know what works.
That Tang is a picture that's on my background. Does it look that real? :happy:


Active Member
Are they known for attacking the owner? Is this what you guys are saying to me?
hehe. I almost got one, too...and the folks on this board talked me out of it! I believe Tony Detroit is not the first person to describe Queen Triggers as EVIL!:) But they are stunning fish. Just don't stick your hands in the tank, and you'll be fine. I never, EVER stick my hands in my eel tank....let me repeat that...NEVER. You'll be fine, just be careful.
Beautiful fish, btw. And what a price!


Let me guess... You read that somewhere?

Last I heard that what we do here.We read we experience and we offer and get advice. Based on what Ive read and my limited albeit real experience I dont think its common to house 4 triggers in one tank 180 gallons or even more. Based on your premise one could safely house 3 in a 135 or a pair in a 90 . Maybe in a fish store but not in my tank. Like I said before ,Im not preaching ,just passing on some commonly known information. Do whatever the hell you want with your own tank,its your money and your conscience . I choose to keep my setup a little more fish friendly and by the book.


Active Member
I have a porcupine puffer and a humahuma trigger in my 150. When I stick my hand in the tank, I made sure that my whole hand and upper arm goes in one quick motion. I find that they would stay away from my hand this way. I would never just stick a finger in unless I want to be bitten.



Originally posted by Canadiandude
I have 6 triggers in my 270 and have never had a problem, nor have I read not to house that many triggers in one tank.

Which ones do you have?


The Queen trigger is one of my favorite fish of all time. It is one of the few that command my attention when I see them. Stunning. Beautiful. Graceful. Utterly destructive.
The Queen trigger should either be in a tank by itself or left in the ocean. I have tried keeping one in the past. The queen was in a 180 with a large grouper, a large harliquin tusk, a large niger trigger and an undulatus trigger. There was the run-o-the-mill squabbles here and there, no big deal. I had these fish together for months. Then,suddenly, over the course of about 4 days the queen went bezerk and took out every fish in there. It was one of the smallest in there too, with the undulatus being smaller.
John :)


Yes there is a reason they are cheap......they are one of the most NASTY fish out there. Dont get me wrong I love them but they are " THE WOLF AMONG SHEEP" my LFS had one that 4 people had returned after it devistated there tanks it was about 6 inches and they were almost willing to give it to me. But like I said I think they are an awsome.....super cool trigger but even to nasty for me:notsure:


Active Member
my lfs has one in a 180, (maybe bigger), all by its lonesome. it's not for sale; it's actually sort of a mascot for them. of course, it's name is "queenie". for 3 bucks they'll feed it a crayfish so you can watch it eat. i love to watch, it really is a beautiful fish. when it eats it actually changes colors; not sure what to compare it to but it's an awesome sight. it's pretty friggin big too :D


Yeah it changes color all the time. I dropped a dozen ghost shrimp in the other day and while the other Triggers were chasing them, the queen was chasing the other Triggers. When I drop real food in, not a treat, it takes the food from all the others. One cool thing it does is blow holes in the sand. I guess looking for Starfish. I have craters everywhere in my sandbed. It also bites the valve from my sump release. Each time I put it back, it bites it back off within minutes. I watched it do it 4 times lastnight. Finally I left it off.