I have had a niger trigger and a dog faced puffer since mid-november. My trigger was pretty docile until about 2 weeks ago. Someone beat my damsel up pretty bad or at least spooked him into the rock and he didn't make it. The next day i came home and watched him stalking my pair of clowns. I walked up and he was back to normal being sweet. When i started this tank, i wanted to go in the direction of reef tank but with those 2 fish i was greatly limited. So today i broke down and after some very carefully poking and pordding through the LR i netted the trigger. I took him and the puffer back to the lfs. No store credit but he gave me a discount on my purchase. My new tank inhabitants are:
Flame Angel
Yellow tang (55 gal-- i know, here come the tang police) (110 gal planned for this spring)
Cleaner shrimp
Corral Banded Shrimp
And my pair of clowns.
The next addition will be a mandarin and that is all until i start the corral in a few weeks. What do you guys think???
Flame Angel
Yellow tang (55 gal-- i know, here come the tang police) (110 gal planned for this spring)
Cleaner shrimp
Corral Banded Shrimp
And my pair of clowns.
The next addition will be a mandarin and that is all until i start the corral in a few weeks. What do you guys think???