My new reef safe fish


I have had a niger trigger and a dog faced puffer since mid-november. My trigger was pretty docile until about 2 weeks ago. Someone beat my damsel up pretty bad or at least spooked him into the rock and he didn't make it. The next day i came home and watched him stalking my pair of clowns. I walked up and he was back to normal being sweet. When i started this tank, i wanted to go in the direction of reef tank but with those 2 fish i was greatly limited. So today i broke down and after some very carefully poking and pordding through the LR i netted the trigger. I took him and the puffer back to the lfs. No store credit but he gave me a discount on my purchase. My new tank inhabitants are:

Flame Angel
Yellow tang (55 gal-- i know, here come the tang police) (110 gal planned for this spring)
Cleaner shrimp
Corral Banded Shrimp
And my pair of clowns.
The next addition will be a mandarin and that is all until i start the corral in a few weeks. What do you guys think???


Active Member
hmm .. I wouldn't put a yellow tang in a fifty five gallon myself but if you're going to upgrade there shouldn't be any problem .. I think it was a smart thing to do .. you can't really trust triggers


Now that i can try corrals, do you guys and gals have any suggestions? I have never messed with them before ; always just FOWLR in the past. I have about 70 - 80 pounds of LR, my flow is arround 1250/hour, and i have 260 watts of power compact.


OK, so you finally got rid of the trouble.
And you are really happy.
And you want to bring home a Flame Angel.
That Flame Angel can't compare with your Trigger.
But let me warn you al'ight,
Flame Angel is not that pretty towards tankmates.
It's agressive. It will nip at your polyps, large and small.
It will chase your Clowns,
It will eat your Bristle star slowly and very cold blooded.
It will poke and mess with Feather dusters till the worms can't come out.
And alot more that I have not yet found out.
I own one in my reef tank. So, those are what happening in my tank now.
Think twice before you bring it home.


Active Member
sounds like barchtruong has an overly aggressive angel .. barchtruong: was your angel one of teh first fish in the tank? .. olsalty: he's right that the angel may nip at some of your coral polyps .. you didn't exactly bring home a reef safe fish .. but the yellow tang is reef safe


Thanks for the advice. I know peep with flames in their reef with no issues but i will keep an eye on him and if he gets unruley, i will pull his you know what out. It can't be as bad as what i had. At least now i can have a real cleaning crew. lol. Hopefully since he is going to be the next to the last fish to go in, he will play nice. I will check out the green star polyps.
ps, i do allready have these new additions.
Thanks again


My Flame Angel was the last in the tank.
And he ruled everything in the tank now.
luckily I added my 2 Percs in first, so they can actually put up some fight against the Flame.
Also, the Flame won't leave your Brain corals alone. Mine picks on the Brain sometimes and it's very annoying to see that.


1 of my clowns was the first fish and he is pretty bold. I don't have any corrals yet, but when i start in a couple of weeks, i will watch him closely. Thanks for the heads up though. Now i know to keep an extra close eye on him. By the way he is only a couple of inches right now, how big is yours?


By then it will be time to break out the deep sea rod and catch him out of there probably. hehehe They need to make shocking collars for fish like they do for dogs -- i guess that wouldn't work -- ohh well just thinking out loud. Good luck with your pretty mean little fish. Maybe i'll get lucky and mine will be nice. Heck with my luck, he'll probably rob me in the am.