My New Reef Tank! 75 G


Active Member
it been up and running for about 3 weeks now my skimmer will be here this week along with 100 lbs more rock as well
im running 2x 150 watt HQI 20K and 84 watts of actinic T5
opinions welcome!



the tank looks good for being so young i would just say add more live rock to make the aquascaping look better


Active Member
I would like to sit in that last pictures recliner with a 12 pack of Sam Adams' for my winter vacation............


Active Member
i usally sit there after the 75-100 gallon water change i do on my main tank with a few cocktails and relax!( that chair has heat and massage!)
thanks for the compliments


That tank is so cool i cant wait until i get my tank up in running hope one day it looks like that.
Thanks for sharing,


Active Member
TuggLife2 Is that a ray in your bigger tank? If so, do you have any pictures?
there are actually a male and a female cali stingray's in my 300 gallon along with a shark and alot of cool fish,, you cans see pictures of them in the fish photographgy forum under
"NEW 300 Gal Pics" it should be at the top of the page
chull13 What kind of coral is that just to left of the zoos??? Is that a type of mushroom?
i dont have any zoos so i think your talking about the green polyps, and to the left of them are two different color candy cane coral's


Active Member
im glad everyone enjoys it,, i cant wait till my rock arrives so that it looks full in there insted of lightweight!


Active Member
off to a great start, what brand is you light fixture, and also are you having issues with heat due to the halides? I am also looking at starting a reef to compliment my aggressive tank. Looks great, keep us updated.


Active Member
thats the odyssea 48" fixture,, no heat issues at all i just run my heater at 77 and my lights make my tank a constant 79.2 degrees
but my tanks are also in the basement where it stays VERY cool to the point where i never evan turn the air conditioner's on down here
and yea its fun to enjoy the color of a reef tank and sinc eim maxed out with my aggressive tank all ic and o is watch them grow , but with reef theres always new corals to buy!!

reef bug

Tank looks great! Smart move taking the corals out of your shark tank.
Can't wait to see it with the extra rock.
MJ and I ordered from this week. I just got some nice zoos, toadstool, ricordea, and yellow polyps. Maybe you can help me frag in a few weeks and we can trade?


Active Member
hey alicia good seeing you post on here
ya im ordering my cleanup crew from SWF tonight as they have gret deals. i just picked up some more corals and fish today for the new tank. Also i woudl love ot help you frag, i have about 10 or so mushroom frags right now along with some torch coral, and toadstool frags.