My New Reef Tank! 75 G

reef bug

Sshhh....I'm working !
I was a bit hesitant ordering the corals sight unseen, but since I haven't seen nice ones locally, I took a chance. Very pleasantly surprised! With the exception of the ricordea, all of the corals were much nicer than expected. The zoos were supposed to be 25+ polyps according to the description.... there is at least 130 on the rock!!! The yellow polyps were much more than expected. The ricordea is a little midget, but he was only $7.99, so I can't be too disappointed and I'm sure it will grow quickly.
MJ ordered a bunch of snails... cerith, nassers, and turbos. I warned her that when I received mine, they were pretty tiny but grow quickly. All of her snails came in decent sized as well.
Gool luck on your order. Isn't it a great rush...when you spot that Fed Ex truck turn the corner block from your house and your begins to race as he pulls into your driveway?


Active Member
im severly addicted ot this hobby
make sure you check out my other pictures of my 300 in the fish photography forum

reef bug

Member too! I put my 4 new corals in Wednesday and I'm fighting the urge to hit Bill's for a nice green star polyp he has. Lord help me!
I thought it was bad when I used to hit a good shoe sale and had to smuggle shoes into the least those I could hide in the closet. When you pull them out a few months later and the husband asks are those new shoes, you can honestly "Nah...these old things...I've had them for a while".
Where do you hide a gorgonian until you can slip it discreetly into the tank and pretend its been there for weeks?


Active Member
yes there are new pics since their gone in the fish photography forum.
bill got all his new fish in today, but no new corals


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
thats the odyssea 48" fixture,, no heat issues at all i just run my heater at 77 and my lights make my tank a constant 79.2 degrees
but my tanks are also in the basement where it stays VERY cool to the point where i never evan turn the air conditioner's on down here
and yea its fun to enjoy the color of a reef tank and sinc eim maxed out with my aggressive tank all ic and o is watch them grow , but with reef theres always new corals to buy!!

my tanks are in my basement as well so air temp wouldnt be an issue for me either, I just assumed that the halides would require a chiller.
you have given me hope.
keep up the good work


Active Member
my tanks are in my basement as well so air temp wouldnt be an issue for me either, I just assumed that the halides would require a chiller.
well there are fans in the halides that help a bit, but like i said as you would know my basement stays around 62 degrees so its nice and cool . the halides with no heater make it a perfect 79 without any adjustments..
and actually in the winter i have to turn my heater on because the tank temp drops about 3-4 degrees