My new Rose Bubble Tipped Anemone


Here are a few pics of my new Rose Bubble Tipped Anemone with my Clown almost hosting it. The clown has been checking the RBTA out and is close to hosting I think.



OHHHH it is very pretty......Isn't it funny how some clowns go right to them....and some do not (LIKE MINE :( )



keep an eye on it ... my clown beat the snots out of mine and caused it to move around for a week.


OMG! OMG!!! So turned off the lights on the tank for the night and went to the store. When I came home, BOTH clowns, male and female had hosted the RBTA!!! I couldn't believe my eyes!

Here are some pics! I didn't want to disturb them so I took these pics with the T5s off so please excuse the poor image quality. I'll take better pics in the next couple of days when they get more comfortable.



Originally Posted by Fretfreak13
Its STUNNING! =O That is some amazing color on that thing, and congrats about your clowns!
lluv24 how much did u spend on the rbta?
I got it from a local reefer for $80. It's about 6" across when fully open!


Active Member
I've been feeding my RBTA daily with the clown that hosts it and instead of growing mine keeps splitting. One small one has turned into 3 seperate 2-3" RBTAs. Oh well I'm not going to complain. Nice pics


Originally Posted by jackri
I've been feeding my RBTA daily with the clown that hosts it and instead of growing mine keeps splitting. One small one has turned into 3 seperate 2-3" RBTAs. Oh well I'm not going to complain. Nice pics

Nice! Can't wait for mine to multiply!


Active Member
I want mine to grow huge like the one it split from when I was given mine. It came out of a frag tank with HUGE RBTA's and 3 clowns hosting them. They'll get there eventually I suppose :D
why is it everyone that wants theirs to grow has a splitter, and vice versa?.. Mine is about 8" across as well and just won't seem to split. Maybe I'll try feeding it daily for awhile and see what happens :p (with a 29 gallon I don't want it any bigger!) alas I know they can grow up to a foot across =/
To the OP, that is a very beautiful color. I don't think I've seen a deep magenta RBTA like that before. Very nice!