My new Sailfin!!!


Just thought I'd post a pic of my newest addition. He's a Red Sea Sailfin, about 7" long. Picked him up for $60 which I'm happy about b/c I've search around online and have seen 3" ones for $50 and found one his size for $75 :jumping: The camera really does no justice to his blue and yellow coloring which is really pronounced under the lighting. He adjusted very well and this being day 2 has already downed a 2x2" peice of seaweed strip singlehandedly :eek: Sorry for the rant, it's just a really amazing fish. I'll try to capture a good pic of him fanned out, it's stunning!
PS: The white looking spots on his fin is from salt dried up on the outside of the tank, I need to clean the glass but I'm to lazy



hmm.. My LFS sell sailfins for $18. On bag sales I see them for $8. How big is your tank?


Active Member
Nice fish! I have a Red Sea (Desjardini) Sailfin in my tank as well, and it's my favorite fish! Glad to hear yours is already eating well.
There are two types of Sailfin tangs that are closely related: Zebrasoma veliferum is the common sailfin, and Zebrasoma desjardini (what toughguy80 has) is collected from the Red Sea. Z. veliferum Sailfins can normally be had for under $30, but the more colorful Z. desjardini typically sell for prices like toughguy80 listed in his first post.


Originally Posted by Jer4916
beautiful fish, how big do they get?...are they aggressive?...are they reef safe?
They can reach a max of 18" but from what I read, most people agree 12-15" is more likely. They can be agressive with their own species along with other species of tangs, just depends on the temperment of the individual one you have. And They are reef safe. He's currently in a 180G, I'm currently putting together a 300G that will be aggressive and I'll probably put him in there when it's ready. Here's a pic with his fins out a bit more. I think he knows what I'm trying to do and is being a brat. He'll fully display his fins till the cameras pointed at him lol.


Another thing I noticed, as apposed to every other fish I've gotten, the minute he was let outta the bag he never hid or seemed afraid of me. Even with my hands in the tank he just swims around, I was really surprised.