My new Shrimp :)


Active Member
you dont need to feed every week.
One guy has 4 harlequin shrimp and feeds them every 2weeks..they are fine
I bought a larger sand sifter star tonight for it.
This shrimp is doesnt go in the rocks and hides. It walks ALL over the tank. up to the glass and is always viewable :cheer:


Active Member
The tiny stars are reef safe they eat algae. Well I got the sand sifter star lastnight..its pretty big. I couldnt fint it in the sand today. My litle buddy found him and only pulled about MAYBe a 1/4 of a tip of an arm and was eating. He is done now and taking a walk. If it only nibbles a tiny bit like that at a time. this 1 starfish will last a very long time. Plus these guys are kinda smart. They will only eat so much and let the star go back and heal it self so it doesnt die off.
here is a pic of the shrimp again..and how much of the star it was only eating.



Active Member
it was $25..I wuld imagine any other shrimp. I have a Skunk cleaner shrimp tiger pistol, Anemone crab and emerald crab. The harlequin wont bother anyone else

ric maniac

Active Member
wow! awsome shrimp. i was thinkin of getting one but decided not to because of the whole eating starfish thing. you must have an awsome camera too.
i have been contemplating what to put in my next tank. i want a special setup, thanks to you now i have another awsome choice to debate. :notsure:


Active Member
I've seen a few pairs of them for sale, it's cool to see the color difference between the sexes, they are a breathtaking shrimp, too bad they don't eat something else. I don't know if sandsifter will regrow though, some people use choc. chips kept separately and take an arm here and there, otherwise they might kill the star and leave the rest to rot since they only eat the feet.


Active Member
well i dont know where the little guy went.
It was out all day friday. All day sat eating away. I havnt seen it at all on sunday. I hope nothing happened to it.
FEWWWWWW....Finally he popped out. I was worried my stupid emerald crab killed it


Hows the little guy doing? Has he eaten a whole star yet? I dropped by the LFS with crazy high prices today just to take a look and they had a Harlequin Shrimp that was HUGE! Like 2-2.5inches. They wanted $49 for him though.


Active Member
SWEET...I didnt know they got that big.
naa he isnt anywhere near done with it..he was chowing on it for a few hours lastnight. only took a little bit of the tip off of the one arm. He is usually out in the open now. Well mine was 36.99 but I got it for $25 cause I know the guy..another store near me sells them for 44.99


A store in my area has them for $29.99 each. He has two little 1 inch guys in right now. He said he would sell me both of them for $50. I need to go buy a star first and try to keep that alive. I have a few kinds of shrimp right now with no problems, but i have never kept a star before. Glad to hear everything is working out well.


Active Member
When your harley is done eating all the starfish feet on one leg do you take the leg out of the tank or does he eat the entire leg?