My New Stingray!


Active Member
Ah! Face it! you guys are just LAZY!!!!
As I sit here and test my water for the 3rd time this week!


Is this your first ray? How are your nitrates. Every since I've had my ray I can't get my nitrates down below 40ppm. I feed him silversides dailey so that may be it. How often do you change the water for him and what is your tank temp?


The reason I ask about the temp is because I keep my tank at 77 and have had goodluck with my cali at this temp. They are suppost to be kept at 72 according to the books.Just curious what other people do :)


Active Member
Well, no offense to aggressive fish keepers, but I like reefs.
I must point out, however, that if I did go F.O., a ray would be top of the list!
That thing is GREAT! I like the way they move. It's like they are flying.
Great pics!


Active Member
tainte97 Is this your first ray? How are your nitrates. Every since I've had my ray I can't get my nitrates down below 40ppm. I feed him silversides dailey so that may be it. How often do you change the water for him and what is your tank temp?
yes it smy first ray , ive only had him two days so my nitrates are still at 0, but he ate ALOT yest. and today. Also i feed, him, shrimp, silversides, squidd, clams etc. my tank temp is currently at 75.8 degrees becaus ei cant get it any lower yet. like i said its only been two days and i dont want to just drop the temp. within an hour or two so the others in the tank dont freak out! However i want to keep the temp at around 74 or 75 because he is EXTREMELY active and eats ALOT. Also i figure if he wants to cool off a bit he buries himself deep in the sandbed as you can see from the pictures, and the sand is VERY COLD, because i have a 4 inch sandbed, so i think he doesnt mind it.
Thanks for the compliments farmboy!! and ya never know maybe someday ill be a reefer as well!


Active Member
hey tainte,
ill tell ya what, if every fish i get eats liek he did on the first and second day it would make my life easy!! its kind of cool because he will eat his heart out then when hes full he will swim up to the feeding stick, and quickly turn away as to tell me "get it out of my face im full" they have crazy personalities!!
i also started with about 8-9 crabs left after my cycling and theres only one lucky crab left!!


Active Member
very nice ray! im currently redoing my tank i have my fish in a 20 and my shark with a friend b/c im trying to get my tank fixed up.. but it seems to be taking forever but i think itll be done in a week and then have to cycle so soon enough.. then ill be getting my ray!!!!! again very cool!


Active Member
what size tank are you re-doing the 20?
what size you gunan keep the shark in and what kind you have??? i get my shark on tuesday!!


Active Member
no not the twenty lol thats just the only other tank i can fit right now im putting black sand in my 220 and finishing up the stand and changing up the filtration so i dismanteled what i had before and the tank is having a small crack fixed that happened while dismanteling and then itll have to recycle and my fish can go back in!! im very excited for how itll turn out!


Active Member
sound liek it will be awesome,, good luck with it!! i never thought i would evan have animals in my tank it took so long to get setup but now its doing awesome and i love it!!


Active Member
haha yea i got the black sand idea from JCrims tank and i just had to go with it its very cool! especially for aggressives!