My new Stone Fish


its only about 3.5inches so Im stsrting this fish in a 20gallon bow front tank with lots of rocks for him to hide.
The fish is eating well He like Chromis and damsels with silver sliders and krill on the side.
Im not sure on which species of stone fish this is im thinking Barchin.
His color did change a little to blend into the tank more.


Originally Posted by morayeels
Its a Spotted Scorpionfish
I take the most extreme care NO HANDS IN THE TANK
Your sure it is a spotted? Scorpaena plumieri? You can get him to just eat frozen in no time. He will get big though. Luckily, they don't need big spaces to live in.


do a google serch on spotted scorpionfish and its exact.
I started to feed him silversliders 1 or 2 a day if the fish aint going to eat it lets you know. But so far its been one silveslider every day soaked in garlic guard and some color FX. Starting to get some nice yellow and pink colors mixed in the grays and blacks.
So far so good keeping all my fingers and toes crossed on this fish
This fish does not move very much it lays in the same place for days blending in to the rocks.
I will post some more pictures over the weekend.


he wont posse a threat unless you push down on its spines it a defense only reaction but still be careful with him in the tank.