my new swa/ some pics and questions



here are some pics of my new aquarium and new lr's, just wanted to share them and if you see anything that u can identify or that u have comments about feel free.
here is the first one: this was a tag-a-long any ideas on what it is?


here is my lr/ with my fire scallop (hitchhiker behind the lr)


Active Member

Originally posted by mike6969n
here are some pics of my new aquarium and new lr's, just wanted to share them and if you see anything that u can identify or that u have comments about feel free.
here is the first one: this was a tag-a-long any ideas on what it is?

Might be Aptasia ??? dont quote my spelling there, if it is you need to kill it, but wait for some others to look at it. Todd


can you guys tell that i am excited about my aquarium!!!!!
i am at that stage where you just have to wait until everything is ready for the fish, i have like maybe 2 or 3 days left i keep telling myself (patience is a virtue) , but i have to say it isn't a virtue i was blessed with so this is really hard for me. ok last pic for now. this is my tank as it sits now a 55 gal with 40 lbs of lr, i will eventually have about 70 lbs, but i am waiting on some more money to fall into my wallet.


That's looking great Mike. I like the low profile of the LR>..that's pretty cool.
Keep up the pics and the updates. THis could be another thread to follow closely!


ok, if the first pic is aptasia how do i kill it? man i hate to kill something that looks that cool. why are they so bad for me to have? somebody told me that peppermint shrimp will kill them, is that true?


btw, i also have several long white worm looking tentacles coming out of my lr, it almost looked like a spider web until i noticed that they actually moved kind of like worms, are these things good or bad? and i have a question about my scallop. will he eat my crabs? i noticed my hermit was over there by him last night kind of cleaning up the rock and this morning he wasn't in his shell anymore, but i can't find any trace of his body and i had 3 more little bitty crabs in there too and they are also gone what could have happened to them? i don't have anything in the tank except two turbo snails, one tiny snale (i don't know what kind he is), i had the 3 tiny blue crabs, my blue legged hermit, the fire scallop, and the aptasia, and of course a bunch of feather worms. but now all of my crabs are gone. i can't even find the shells of the tiny ones and the other bigger ones shell is empty. any ideas?


I believe that Flame Scallops are not all that hardy. They filter feed and will need you to supplement them with phyto to survive.


Active Member

Originally posted by NorCalReef
I believe that Flame Scallops are not all that hardy. They filter feed and will need you to supplement them with phyto to survive.

hes right, ive had 2 for 6 moths and they do fine, just have to feed them, i do about every other day or so. Todd


ok guys and gals'
i am just about ready for my first water change. here are my parameters
ammomia- 0 (finally)
nitrites- .25 just about there
nitrates- 20
ph- 8.2
temp- 80 F
salinity- between 1.025 and 1.026
now for a couple of questions.
1) how much of a water change do i need to do for the first water change and how often and how much after that one?
2) what is the goal salinity for a reef tank?
3) is the first pic on this thread aiptasia? and will a peppermint shrimp or two kill it?
4) what other elements should i be testing for in a reef tank?
5) are the reef packs ie. reef fundamentals and reef supplements a good idea?
thanks ahead of time for the responses!! i can't wait to watch my tank come alive over the next year or so!!!
:jumping: :D :cheer: :happyfish :happyfish


1) how much of a water change do i need to do for the first water change and how often and how much after that one?
2) what is the goal salinity for a reef tank?
3) is the first pic on this thread aiptasia? and will a peppermint shrimp or two kill it?
4) what other elements should i be testing for in a reef tank?
5) are the reef packs ie. reef fundamentals and reef supplements a good idea?
well here goes form one opinion...
1. 10% water change. Done once a month is what I do. Us RO/DI water NOT TAP. works out a lot better.
2. opinions vary but I keep mine right where you have yours and I am having preety good sucess.
3.Yes Aptasia.. definatly ..Kill it asap. I got some from a lfs and it had it on it. I used "joes juice" and it killed it all immediatly and if it ever pops up, a little squirt and poof its dead.
4. Calcium is a biggie.
5. I use bionic 2 part alkalinity calcium buffer, I have heard it is a good supplement.
These arejust things I have read, learned, and tried so far. Many opinions here, read a bunch before you decide which way to go...
Good Luck,


Active Member
Very nice looking rock setup. I like how you positioned them. One question though: why is the flame scallop behind the rocks where you can't admire him?
It is a lot of work feeding your clam. Make sure you have good water flow but don't overfilter your tank. Having other inverts in the tank like shrimp is good because they will spawn and the larva will be fed upon by the scallop. Try to get filters/pumps that don't use propellers because it will kill the microorganisms the clam needs.
If you scallop starts looking malnourished, you may have to turn of the powerheads/filters during feeding and stir ground clam into the water. This can eventually lead up to a buildup of nitates though.
ps- use limewater when replacing your water during water changes; it will help your scallop.