btw, i also have several long white worm looking tentacles coming out of my lr, it almost looked like a spider web until i noticed that they actually moved kind of like worms, are these things good or bad? and i have a question about my scallop. will he eat my crabs? i noticed my hermit was over there by him last night kind of cleaning up the rock and this morning he wasn't in his shell anymore, but i can't find any trace of his body and i had 3 more little bitty crabs in there too and they are also gone what could have happened to them? i don't have anything in the tank except two turbo snails, one tiny snale (i don't know what kind he is), i had the 3 tiny blue crabs, my blue legged hermit, the fire scallop, and the aptasia, and of course a bunch of feather worms. but now all of my crabs are gone. i can't even find the shells of the tiny ones and the other bigger ones shell is empty. any ideas?