My new tank (8 months old)


New Member
I posted a photo of my 150 Gal tank here about 6 months ago. Here's a more recent one of what it looks like now, also some of the critters living in it. I only have one problem, the water is green...I've tried 25 gal water changes (RO Water), UV sterilizer, Skimmer's still green. I'v just switched to the UV lights only for the next few days to see if that makes any differance. :notsure:


New Member
Now I need to get rid of the 9 damsels so I can add some other cool fish. Any ideas? :help:


New Member
Thanks, I had it built for the "tank"...should have seen the look the builder had when I told him it needed to support 2500 lbs... a kodak moment.