My New tank(continued with pics that prove im not a liar)


so remember me with the 10 gallon tank with all the fish well my friend is making me take pictures to show off, my camera suckz and it came out crapy and u really can't see the beauty of the tank=P i know i have a bit of a algae problem but i got a sea hare for the job.



Active Member
k... not flaming but...
panther groupers grow to over 2.5 fet. they need like 400+ gallon aquariums to live( they grow very quickly also)
the lionfish will need a larger tank. I would say a MINUMUM 40 gallon
that trigger will outgrow that tank rapidly also
not flamingjust trying to help.
you NEED to get rid of those fish. its not a maybe situation its a MUST! return them or before they die and you loose your investment. I would put 2 small fish MAX in a 10 gallon. like 2 small clownfish


oh i knew that when i got them theres no problem giving them away and geting new ones=P i just got these fish b/c they were very cool, plus i like them so they might make me get a huge aquarium i still have to see=P
P.S. i got this tank as a experiment and i had it for about 3 1/2 months now so i think i can get another couple of months till they grow really big, plus i feed them alot and thats y i have so much algea now but the sea hare is doing great


doesnt look too good in the pictures. that was funny before with the sea hare. all that running for nothing
anyway both my tanks still beat urs and u kno it.


Wow...all I can say. I'm shocked the LFS sold any of those fish to you, that place needs to be shut down for ignorance. How long have each of those fish been in that tank? Don't be surprised when that trigger starts to pick at your lion. All three of those fish need to be in a tank 10 times that size (the grouper needs one like 50 times that size!) I know you're a kid, but you said you did some research. Evidentally you didn't do enough. You said you don't have a lot of money to spend? Hope your satisfied with wasting whatever money you spent on those poor fish, because they won't last long.


Active Member
This is a joke right lol, because I am laughing. I am sorry but this is the most extreme I've seen anyone go. How can you say you are doing an "experiment" on living things??? I DO NOT want to get the tree huggers going but seriously a freaking 10 gallon tank w/ a Niger trigger and a lion fish which is a full size not a dwarf...seriously I would be embarassed to even post this because honestly everyone about have been extremely passive on you and more or less you are asking to get flamed!!
First of all, SUCCESS with a saltwater tank is NOT measured in months, it is measure in a years.
Second, those fish will not work every in a 10 gallon tank. The lion will reach a minium 12" b/c it is not a dwarf lion, even those get up around 5" which is still big for that size tank. The niger trigger will get up around 12", once again too big for that size tank. You say you will get rid of them when they get bigger or whatever. Well my question to you is why would you even purchase them if you cannot keep them for more then a couple months?? Why do you waste your money just to have some "cool fish" when you cannot properly care for them??
Third, a 10 gallon tank cannot support more then 2-3 fish that get a MAXIUM of 2-3". There are alot of small fish that you can keep sucessfully in that size tank but your choices will not work.
Fourth, kiss your shrimp good buy. It might not happen right away but one of the two will definately eat your shrimp, I don't care how long they've been fine with him for.


yea ive been telling him for a while that its not gonna work buh he doesnt want to listen. :mad:
p.s- the shrimp is mine i gave it to him because i was afraid it would fight with my pom-pom crab.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Sean, I think you missed the Grouper that's also in the tank...
Yes, I did. Which gets up to 27", I don't care who thinks I am going over board on this guy but like I said before this is such a joke!


hey guys i havent been on in like a i am trying to catch up with the gossip. while i agree with you all about the kind of fish...why dont we try to give constructive advice. i feel strongly just as you al do. but what about saying it a little bit nicer....yes you do have a problem with the algie. but talk to the lfs. some will give you a credit and you can trade in your not so better fish picks... pick out some REALLY awsome fish that will go in a ten. there isnt any reason that over the months or years that your tank caint flurrish. i used to work for a pet store and every other week a boy and his mom would come into the store. he could pick out one corral for being a help and doing well in school. this boy knew more than most of my adult customers...not saying i am perfect either. but after about 6 months his mom brought in a pic...wich yes sometimes she would help him purchace a small fish or crab as well. this tank was beautiful. granted this boy didnt have an income but was very perstant. just take your time and before you know it you will have a tank that no one can put down. just try to think cool in small size. and one day when you have the money to get a large tank. get the lion that you want. they are amazing but for now how about picking some other AWSOME fish. GOOD LUCK and i dont have much of an income either. so once a month i take all the change i have saved and get one thing tank right now like yours is having a hair algie i am getting a ranfordi goby...but again GOOD LUCK and please give some thought about what fish that will thrive better in your tank.


also we are not saying that you are a liar....BUT that is an awfully small tank. and if like others have said if you are an animal lover you will want to do what is best for the animal plus...i dont think that you have a very good light for some of the corals that you have. maybie use all the money you can save for a small light that can do some soft corals. then maybie after a while work on bettering your tank...JUST PLEASE HELP YOUR FISH.....THEY HAVE NO WHERE TO GO YOU ARE IN CHARGE...THEY DONT HAVE A CHOICE


You're a sweetie blondie, and right. Just sometimes people (myself) can get a tad frustrated to see how careless people can be with this hobby. Those poor fish are suffering, and that kid thinks they are doing fine, and they will survive another couple months. Fish, frog, dog, or otherwise...its still an animal, and without proper care (ie tank size) they suffer. They may be living, but that doesn't mean they want to be. Hopefully he/she is still keeping tabs on this thread, and will take our advice.


well sorry if anyone is worried about my fish, it just shows how many good people we have in this world. well as i stated i started this tank as a experiment and i know i should of went easy and enjoyed the wonders of nature when it is balanced(i still do). But im new to this hobbie and i wanted to experience alot in a short amount of time. well after i disasembal this tank i will go easy and start off simple with a good light and some nice corals no fish for me unless its some very small goby or a pipefish. well the fish i got from the lfs were very small and the tanks they had them in were 10 gallons also exept they had alot of fish in the tank at the same time. when i purchased my fish i new they wouldn't stay small forever i knew in a short while i will part with them but i wanted to learn alot b/c i knew that people had alot of problems with there first tanks and i wanted to experience all this (im not saying i wanted the fish to die i just mean i wanted a challenge) before i set up my second tank, which would be sick=P. well anyway the fish i bought were new and where a bit small and not the happiest fish there, all i wanted to do was keep it for a short while, feed it as much as it wanted (or was healthy for it=P) and take care of it as best as i could. the lfs guy said that these fish weren't the healthest and had a good chance of dieing but that made me wana get them even more. well if i ever had a problem i had a friend who's dad had a 90 gallon which could help me and take the fish b/c he had room in his tank or i could get them to the lfs really fast. im sorry to those people who think i was tormenthing them but i guess i kind of was but i was doing my best to keep them happy. IM happy to report that my tank is doing great all the fish r happy and the algae problem is going away b/c i have a sea hare that ate it all in a couple of days. i know that taking in the coral banded shrimp was a bad idea and i thought it might just be attacked but actually the shrimp has alot of fight in him and the other fish really don't mind him they let him crawl all over them and clean them a bit, but i also noticed that on some occasions when the shrimp didn't want to be bothered by the fish he would attack them to scare them away and i really enjoyed watching it=P i like how all the fish like me, i mean the panther is pet trained so every day i stick my fingure in and he comes right up to get peted and the triger likes to take little nipples of my fingers and the lion even likes to be touched by me(i know im very careful). All the fish r still small and fit the tank really good i just mean that they arn't freaky big and have no room to swim in the tank. IM very sorry about this whole delema but they r going back to the pet shop soon (bigger and healthier then when i got them) and i will completly change my tank or even upgrade to a biger one. thanx to those people who care for the fish


umm i discovered a cool black slug in my tank and it has a white line on its back and it can make it apear and disapear well i never seen before in my research but it looks cool. It only comes out at night so no wonder I rarly see it. it looks like a cool nudibranch, i would really like to know what it is, sorry for no pics its b/c when i turn on the lights and its actually out it runs and hides very quickly.


When it comes to saltwater fishtanks, what I learned from my experience is that everything may be doing really well for a week or two, even a month for those who does things without proper research but after that everything goes down hill. Thats the mistake I wouldnt want anyone to make. Its just horrible because you end up wasting so much money/effort and most importantly, live animals that could have been kept in the ocean. Saltwater is all about success on the long run, not necessarily on the short run. Glad your taking the fish back to the store. Its hard to balance with the things you want and the things that can be in a tank to live healthy.
Saltwater hobby is challanging if you can avoid mistakes. I believe its more challanging when you try your best to avoid mistakes because no matter how hard you try, you will encounter problems, thats the beauty of this hobby. Weather its a alk/calcium/coral/fish ich etc
Make sure your doing your water changes on time! Post more pics! I have a new 14gal that I wll post soon.