My new tank set up....bad or good?

Im starting a 25 gallon saltwater. I am planning on only having lr and fish. I am putting a carbon filter and a protein skimmer on it. I was planning on puting about 30 lb of lr in it and put about 60 watts of flouresent lights. I want to put shrimps and and maybe feather dusters in it. Im not sure what kind of fish I want in it. Does all this sound like a good idea? And what kind of fish should I put in it. I just wanted some advice on it from the big


sounds good to me !!! lighting sounds good 2.2 watts a gal with skimmer but if you want fish I would stay away from big fish! I would do gobies, blennies, damsels (chromis) and some neat inverts, few leather corals, polyps, sponges are cool. but it is not good to have an angel of any kind with a tank that small. sounds good. take care Bioreefer


Active Member
I think it sounds like you have your tak very well planned out so far. As far as fish, I am partial to clownfish for that size of a tank. A mated pair would be nice in a 25 gallon. You might also like the colors of the royal gramma and mandarin goby. I think they are beautiful little fish. :cool:


Active Member
They should do fine together. Just be sure that you have created more than 1 territory with your LR.


Active Member
hey i never se u on-line nay more ,did u block me? milkman12
o yeah a mandarin gobie in a 25 is a bad idea
YES! Thanks Bradc444 I was planning on getting a coral beauty before but some people told me it was a bad idea, they are my favorite fish:) I will definetly be getting one of those.