My New Tank


And I mean new literally. 2 days old, still waiting for the water to clear, no fish yet. 180 gallons.


Active Member
Very nice start. You might consider adding a raw peeled cocktail shrimp to the atnk to kick off the cycle.
Oh yes...Welcome to the boards!


From the looks there is no live rock in that tank so a raw shrimp will do nothing but rot as there is no bacteria around.


Thanks for the tips, but although the tank is new, I had a 140 gallon setup 25 years ago that ran like a charm. I'm not new to saltwater, just to these newfangled filtering systems. As I mentioned in another thread I started, the store I bought this at (the only show in town, evidently) only sells fake and live corals, no natural dead coral, hence the fake stuff. I'm not too thrilled with their knowledge base so I found this board. Believe me I'm doing a lot of reading up. I plan on putting some LR and LS this weekend, just waiting for the water to clear up (and for this ice storm to pass!).
btw, where on this site can I read up on the abbreviations you guys use? I figured out LR and LS, and LFS, but there's a ton more that's over my head.


Active Member
Nice tank and stand you have there.....
Should be a beauty when it is all finished and stocked with fish.
Best of luck to you....Deb


Thank you, Debbie :)
Geez, everytime I think I've had all my questions answered I come up with another one. How long, assuming I've finished messing with the layout and am not stirring up dust from the substrate, should it take for the water to clear? The water here in N.C. is pretty good, much better than that crap in S. Florida, but obviously not Perrier pure.


Active Member
I would let everything settle for a few min and then turn your filters on. They will do the work for you in the way of clearing the water.
Do add live rock as soon as you can. It really will help kick off your cycle. I see you have sand in there too. I assume this is not live. What I did as live sand cost alot here is I bought a few cup fulls of live sand from our LFS right out of their tanks and sprinkled it over my dead sand. In not time all sorts of things grow.
Good luck to you.....Deb


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
where are you at in NC?
Thanks again, Deb. I was just wondering about the time factor. I remember in Houston, where I had my 140, the water cleared then fogged up for about a week as the bacteria in the water died. I was just wondering if I should expect that to happen again.
Littlebuck, I'm in Indian Trail, a suburb about 10 miles S.E. of Charlotte. Are you close by?


Originally Posted by vito525
IMHO I agree with DREA, slow down, read and research, the key to this hobby is patience
Yes Yes Patience is the key


Heres a link to a list of all the abbreviations that are used around here.
By the looks of it, you're off to a great start. Depending on what you're going to have in there, you may want to consider getting an RO/DI unit (theres the abbreviations again. reverse osmosis / deionized). It takes out over 99% of the impurities in tap water and makes for a much healthier system. Good luck!


Thanks again! Does it include a definition of "fowler"? :notsure:
It will be strictly a fish tank to start. I had asked, but never got a reply to, a question about whether live rock can co-exist with fish or will they pick at it. If so I'll probably add more than the cycle starter rock I was planning to get this weekend.
I had success in the past adding feather dusters to the mix so I may add those as well. Right now I've got my hands full correcting all the mistakes my LFS made when they put together my system. I just noticed that my pump only puts out 1040 gph. This time I'm gonna ask for a free replacement because they already cost me $50 to add a second heater, the one they sold me being only for 75 gallon tanks. Grrrr...
Thanks again for everyone's help.


Oh, ok. Fish Only With Live Rock. I guess I answered your question without even realizing it :hilarious


Active Member
ANy Pics of the cabinet guts? I am looking at a big upgrade from santa and am gathering info. I am in Raleigh, where is Indian Hills?


Originally Posted by grumpygils
ANy Pics of the cabinet guts? I am looking at a big upgrade from santa and am gathering info. I am in Raleigh, where is Indian Hills?
Indian Trail, not Indian Hills. It's S.E. of Charlotte, about 7 miles from the city limit and about 20 miles from the actual city.
I wouldn't go by my setup, really. In other threads I've explained how the LFS sold me the wrong sized everything (heater, pump, etc.). But basically it's a wet/dry with a pump and skimmer right now, nothing else, no U.V.'s or powerheads. If you're still interested I can take a picture, but you're more likely to gain more valuable information from other people here. Let me know.


Active Member
Thanks Mystic,
I am just gathering ideas and info. I have been following your misery! I hope it works out for you. This site is great for weeding out info!