My new tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by sallen
thanks alot for that you have all been a big help. just a few more things i need to know, so do u mean point the powerhead facing up so that it is vertical??? what star fish a good for reef tanks i got one in my tank he is black and fury/spikie???
You want the power head to shoot water left- right or right -left. One in each corner on the back shooting water to the otherside. The fury or spikie stars are called brittle stars. They are reef safe in my experience. Did you mention what type of lighting that you have? Anemones require high light such as metal halide or VHO and also a seasoned tank 6months-1 year. Welcome to the boards.
Tank is looking great.


So ill need to use 4 powerhead in ur opion instead of my 1. I have 2 x fluro lights one blue the other white.while i have ur attention.My tank went through the cycle about 4-5 months ago and i had broken shells as a bed. Due to high nitrate I changed the bed to sand. For filtration i am using an aquaclear hang on the side filter. If i replace the filter with a protein skimmer, because i just put in some cured live rock, is that going to cause any problems. I changed from shells to sand about a week ago????


Active Member
I like the way that looks, your tank makes its own background!
The bubbles from the filter will diminish when you raise the water level. The bubbles from the powerhead may mean that it is drawing air. Or has a pocket of air in it somewhere? You can gently rock it to try to dislodge the air.
I agree on the removal of plastics and also adding more live rock.
I have about 100 lb in my 60 gal, which took me a long time to accumulate (money matters). It's personal taste as well, tho. And depends on what you eventually want to have in it.
Nice, so far!


Active Member
a good skimmer for that size tank is a aqua Remora Pro. I run one on my 55 gal and have had no problems with it. It is a hang on back.


thanks for your help. I am still unsure about soemthing. I changed my bed from crushed shells to sand about a week ago. My tank is roughly about 6months matured. CAN I REMOVE MY HOB FILTER AND REPLACE IT WITH A PROTEIN SKIMMER????? WOULD THEY BE ENGOUGH GOOD BACTERIA IN THE TANK TO TAKE THE FILTER AWAY???I PLAN TO ADD MORE LR SOON

rabid frog

Active Member
You wont really have to worry about "Good" bacteria from your HOB. Its appears as if you have a rather small bio load. So it wont make a big impact. Your Lr will be plenty for now.
But as others have suggested you will want to load up on more Lr. You could just get some cured base rock also, it usually is a little less expensive. The base rock will eventually turn into Lr.


So can i get rid of the HOB filter then. Like i said since the cycle i have changed from shells to sand. Do i need to go through another cycle??? thanks your ur response


Active Member
Well I use a HOB and a skimmer. I run carbon in the HOB. Plus it adds to my water flow. So does the skimmer. If you do take out the hob save it as when you're bioload increases down the road you may want to use it. Personally i would leave it, but I dont mind seeing it in my display. If you do a sump later on you could put it in there maybe. Cant have too much filtration in my opinion. The fiber filter in the hob helps collect junk and acts as a refugium also. Just my opinion though.