My new tank


LoL, love the first pic

Everything looks great. It's not often that you see a tall tank like that.
My cats are "gazers," too. Moxie, my "baby girl," likes to jump up on my shoulder while I'm standing in front of the tank and watch the fish with me. I have a cute pic of her standing on Nick's back while he's bent over the sump in the stand, and she has her paws on the glass, trying to play with my Midas.
Really cute!


Originally Posted by huskychasrs
Cool I have the same tank.
Awesome pics

Thanks everyone......husky, any pics of your tall?


Active Member
that is a TALL tank, omg! how do you get the water circulation down near the sand AND the top of the tank? i've never seen a tank that tall! what type of lights do you have? pretty powerful i'd bet to reach the bottom?
EDIT: just saw the placement of the powerhead


Originally Posted by renogaw
that is a TALL tank, omg! how do you get the water circulation down near the sand AND the top of the tank? i've never seen a tank that tall! what type of lights do you have? pretty powerful i'd bet to reach the bottom?
EDIT: just saw the placement of the powerhead
I have the two power jets afixed with the rotating hydro attachments. They seem to do a good job at moving the water around.
Right now, I just have a stock light. Have a stronger one coming in the mail. As of right now, I have only living rock. With the new light coming.....I'll be able to add some Softies and most LPS.


Originally Posted by Marka1620
2 Clowns
1 Striped Damsel
1 Lawnmower
10 Hermit Crabs
3 Snails
1 Peppermint Shrimp
3 Emerald Crabs



Active Member
they are nice pics, but too large. if you're using photobucket, before posting the img file, click edit and resize it down to web board size so its easier to see :)