my new tank

green wolf

New Member
i have a 38 gallon tank gallon salt water fish tank with nothing in it (except a small amount of rock and a deep sand bed). I want it to be mean as heck... what can i put into it.


LionFish says......
First off welcome to the board. Secondly I think I have some bad news for you. Unfortunately a 38 gallon is not a good tank size to have aggressive fish. Basically the only aggressive fish you could fit in there would be one snowflake eel which can outgrow a 38 gallon. You will have to deal with smaller more docile fish for now. If you get a 75 gallon or above you could keep a lot of awesome predators but in a 38 gallon it is just too small for aggressive fish which need a lot of space to grow because most aggressive fish exceed 6 inches easily which limits you greatly. Sorry to break the bad news. Have a good time on the board.

green wolf

New Member
Thank Lion fish,
Im getting a snowflake eel today would they be ok with a maroon clown.
and thanks for the welcome
Green Wolf


Here's a thought! Although you know you can't care for sweet fish (all small fish do in fact suck) in a small tank - try a juv. trigger and an eel. They are extremely hardy and will be rewarding to keep -- until you MUST move them to a bigger tank or get rid of them. The way I look at it is, if you can provide a fish a good home for a while, even if it is only a short while, you will have enjoyed that experience and the fish will be happy too!
Nobody can provide some of these fish the homes they deserve eventually, IMHO, so at whatever point you can do it, do it!


LionFish says......
I guess I didn't mention the second option you can use which is to get a trigger or something cool like that but you will have to upgrade to a much larger tank within the next 6 months then it will be possible. However, with the clown and eel it would work quite well. Hope this helps a bit.


I'd say go for it...Just make sure you let your undulated hunt for its food. That's one mean mo' fish. I found the BIG 20 pkg. from here to be a GREAT meal for my clown and eel! :D


LionFish says......
I would recommend any Trigger BESIDES the Undulated. You must realise that those fish are so aggressive that they could easily kill that eel in that small of a tank. Ig you get a Trigger get something like a Niger or Picasso but by all means avoid the Undualted as it will destroy a lot of fish including other aggressive fish. Get a picasso. I have one with my Lions and it works out fine. Make sure you can gat a much larger tank in about 6 motnhs.


Active Member
i tottally agree with lion. I would reccomend a pinktail trigger if you want a trigger. but you do realize you cant keep them in there forever? later, bo