Active Member
Yea, those are my QT chromis. I use them as dither fish, to help calm new additions. Though, the Lei definitely didn't need them, as he's been eating from my hand the second day. The chromis were scarred to death the first day (never seen anything close to that big i guess), but now swim right beside him, but know to stay behind the "business end" when food's in the water
Yep they will both go into the 125. I was really spinning my gears deciding if I should put the Sarg into QT too, and do a soft addition (put a divider in the 55, then remove it), and see how they do. But the health of the guy's tangs (like 6 total), all were in great shape, so I wasn't worried and knew that Xan. Triggers usually will hide for the first couple of days. I wouldn't consider doing this the other way around and adding the much larger Lei first, then the Sarg however.
The full 125 list so far:
Blueface Angel
Hawaiian Bluespotted Puffer
Naso Tang
Leopard Wrasse
Mixed clown pair (percula female/occ. male)
Neon goby
Sargassum Trigger
In a couple weeks the Lei will go in, and then after that I'm not sure. I really would like to do more angels, maybe 1, or 2, or 3, and call it a day

Yep they will both go into the 125. I was really spinning my gears deciding if I should put the Sarg into QT too, and do a soft addition (put a divider in the 55, then remove it), and see how they do. But the health of the guy's tangs (like 6 total), all were in great shape, so I wasn't worried and knew that Xan. Triggers usually will hide for the first couple of days. I wouldn't consider doing this the other way around and adding the much larger Lei first, then the Sarg however.
The full 125 list so far:
Blueface Angel
Hawaiian Bluespotted Puffer
Naso Tang
Leopard Wrasse
Mixed clown pair (percula female/occ. male)
Neon goby
Sargassum Trigger
In a couple weeks the Lei will go in, and then after that I'm not sure. I really would like to do more angels, maybe 1, or 2, or 3, and call it a day